74. Do one thing at a time and be present with it. I produce quality work when I utilize this method and a profound sense of wellbeing. I suspect being present is the key, as it engages all my senses.
75. Call friends who do not have email. I call one of them and snail mail the other. I really enjoy hand writing a letter. The process is quite relaxing and enjoyable to me. I look forward to handwriting letters and cards.
76. Mail a care package to a student. This is a little project I’ve come to enjoy. I don’t eat as much candy and snacks as I use to and this project lets me enjoy the process as far as shopping, packing and shipping goes. The rest of my pleasure comes from imagining how delighted the recipients would feel.
77. Make new friends. This year I made three new friends. I have broadened my foodie appreciation and so have they in the process.
78. Ask for help. Now that I have a good understanding of how the Universe is there for my assistance, I have been asking for help a lot more than before and I do get it!
79. Say no more often. I make every decision based upon how I feel and this means that I have been saying a whole lot of ‘nos’ to a whole lot of things I previously did for the sake of obligation.
80. Take photos of street signs with my friends name and mail it to them. There was a period of time when I would notice street signs with the names of my friends. I never got around to this project and I’ve somehow stopped seeing the signs. Isn’t that interesting?
81. See all the “gems” in New England as listed in the AAA guidebook. I am sure I have seen at least 95% of them. We’ve been everywhere in New England by now.
82. Add to my Creation Box. So this game is truly magical. Whatever I add to this box, usually manifest for me. Sometimes it is something better, but always, I get what I ask for.
83. Join the Grafton Library. Their selection of books is not as impressive as I would have liked, so I am sticking with Amazon, Paperback Swap and the Digital Library for now.
84. Take train into Boston and spend a tourist day there. We don’t have regular trains from where we live. However I have gone into Boston and spent many fun filled days there. It is a very beautiful city.
85. Fill out all questionnaires at Authentichappiness.org After I filled out this. I never returned to the site! I’m still wondering what the point of my exercise was.
86. Learn sign language. I forgot I had this in here; as a result I didn’t do it.
87. Jump on a trampoline. As soon as I find one…
88. Help someone realize one of their ‘to do’ list things. I invited a friend to come and visit – she always wanted to see NE in the fall.
89. Remember to ask ‘what’s good about this’ during a contrasting experience. This is a powerful exercise because it liberates my thoughts and feelings.
90. Eat only foods I enjoy. This has been a huge success!
91. Explore unfamiliar subject areas in the library or bookstore.
I enjoyed doing this on Wiki Random and from RSS feeds I subscribe to.
92. Visit Mesa Verde NP. Rain check.
93. To print this list and check off things because it feels good! I thought commenting on each one would help me to clarify my level of interest for each one.
94. Add to my beach sand collection. This is a fun project! I collect beach sand and display them in little bottles around my bathtub. Pink sand from Bermuda is particularly beautiful.
95. Notice the gift each day brings. Each day brings me at least a hundred things to appreciate and I do love and enjoy the process.
96 – 100. Cross-stitch projects I have not yet completed.
There you have it. My fun year of doing more of what I love and enjoy and giving up the things which no longer interest me. I’d say I am more focused on feeling good than ever before.