When people ask me if I believe in God, I have to first clarify what their belief of God is.
For the word God has many meanings. If I say to the asker, “I do.” They will immediately assume I believe as they believe and that would be an incorrect assumption.
God to me is a word that means Consciousness or All That Is. It is an energy or vibration that is always there, that has never not been there. God is.
I am always a part of this energy or God or All That Is. I am in It. I am surrounded by It.
I live and move and have my being in It. It is who I am, but I am not It. I am a part of It, much like a drop of water is part of the ocean, but the drop is not the ocean.
This energy or vibration is what I mean when I say to you, “Yes I believe in God.”
Personally I prefer the name of Source Energy because it feels like the purest, highest vibration there is while the term ‘God’ feels moody and conditional to me.
Source Energy feels expansive, blissful, divine, joyous and loving and as I say those words I can feel it viscerally within me; making it true for me.