My Bucket List has evolved from whatever it was I previously posted here.
It is not about having, being and doing a bunch of stuff. Being there done that.
Rather it is about living in the moment.
It’a about being aware that I am sitting on the rug with my back against the sofa, in the soft light of my reading lamp, with the MacBookPro on my thighs as I type my current thoughts to this popular overrated list (bucket list).
Who the hell cares anyway what the contents of the list looks like? What does it matter if it has one thing or a thousand things? The only thing that really matters is are you enjoying your moments?
That’s it period.
A notebook of mine fell to the floor the other day, as I was unpacking them and it fell open to a page where I had written “Will I be moving to California this year? (2010)
I smiled as I read that. It is now 2012 and I am here.
Everything is perfectly orchestrated by the Universe, no matter what it may look and feel like.
I only ever want to say and mean: I enjoyed every moment of the ride.