Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A magical year of incredible blessings

2013 was an incredible year of all things delightful.
Travel. Friendships. Parties. Hiking. Walking. Culinary delights.
Financial abundance. Perfect health and wellbeing. Perfect timing.
Beautiful moments. Fantastic experiences. Dynamic relationships.
New discoveries.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The big book of British teeth, I mean slangs.

This is a photo of a handblown glass exhibit at the de Young museum in SF.

This week I made three new British friends, so I thought it best to brush up on
my understanding of the language.
It also came in handy when I was reading Black Swan Green by David Mitchell.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My One Goal.

I've been playing with the idea of having one goal in my life.
One item on my 'Things To Do Today' list.
One item on my Bucket list.
One aspiration. One achievement. 
That one thing I've decided is to seek joy.
That's it.
At the start of every day I am now asking, 'How much joy can I create and experience today?'
At the end of everyday I check in with " How much joy did I allow myself to experience today?'
The next day I plan to aim for a little more.

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Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Investing in Bliss

This summer our favourite pastime has been visiting Filoli in the mornings and going to Half Moon Bay for the rest of the afternoon.
It is the epitome of bliss.
Filoli has beautiful gardens of all kinds. It is wonderful to walk through them in the early morning, appreciating the beautiful flowers, trees, bushes and lush landscapes. 
The lazy afternoons are spent on the beach  reading, napping, walking or bird watching.
This has been a most productive summer.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

If it's fun, it's important!

My brilliant observation for this summer is that if I do not do things
 for the fun of it then it is not important.
I practiced the opposite of that and it is really not worth it.

If it isn't fun then it is not important.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

10 things I love about Grand Teton National Park

1. Vastness
2. Sheer beauty.
3. Fresh air.
4. Silence.
5. Wildlife.
6. Splendiferous lakes.
7. Heavenly picnic areas.
8. Charming meadows.
9. Scenic hikes.
10. The Tetons.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

10 things I love about San Francisco

1. Photographing Golden Gate Bridge.
2. Walking at Land's End.
3. Gazing into the ocean.
4. Feeling the cool wind on my skin.
5. Dim Sum
6. Walking in Palace of Fine Arts.
7. Hanging out in Crissy Fields.
8. View from Russian Hill.
9. Dawdling in Union Square.
10. Thai food.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Moon over San Francisco

These are some of the photographers to my right:

These are to my left:

We were all eagerly anticipating this:
We were on the Marin side of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Conscious connection

Today is beautiful.
My body feels strong and resilient.
I feel my wellbeing.
The air is crisp.
I feel clarity and eagerness.
I am brimming with insight.
I feel invincible.
My connection is a sure thing.
In stillness I am at my most allowing.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Choose a path

We each have the ability to respond in either a loving or unloving manner.

Each of these choices lays out a path  before us.
Each path comes with a different scenery we will be interacting with.
Each of these paths evoke feelings and emotions within us which in turn further inspires our response.
Our response continues to manifest the path we walk upon.

Do you see how this works?

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Friday, April 19, 2013

10 things I love about Portland OR

1. People are super friendly!
2. The tourists too!
3. Voodoo donuts! 
4. Food trucks
5. Meeting Gordy
6. An authentic appreciation for sunshine. ( I use to take it for granite)
7. granite, a word I learned when I lived in Houston. I digress.
7. No sales tax!
8. The Columbia River Gorge.
9. The way people connected whenever we spoke. 
10. They know how to make exceptionally hot and delicious coffee.

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Thursday, April 04, 2013


All feelings are valid.
Therefore they should be acknowledged, end of story.
Instead we think about them and assign a value to them, rendering them valid or invalid.
We choose between a thought and a feeling. If they match:
 I feel happy + my thoughts are 'that's a good feeling' = no conflict
I feel sad + my thoughts are 'you shouldn't feel that way, that's not good = conflict.
I feel sad + that's okay = no conflict.

Best of all:
I feel sad. 
No excuses, apologies or explanation needed.

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Wednesday, April 03, 2013

This incarnation of mine.


I use this blog to record my personal evolution.
I quite like the fact that it is viewed at least four times a week by me and perhaps one other.

I usually take a word, idea or sentence I am attracted to and write it down on a blank page.
Sometimes I use sparkly gel pens and draw curlycues as I wait for the inspiration to flow or the molecules to settle.

After I write the words I sit back and say, 'Talk amongst yourselves.'

I do my best to blog new insights and only those I get on a visceral level as this is my work on the planet.  I came for the experience. 

Anything else you want in intellectual/legal/ technical language can be found elsewhere.

Talk is cheap, Google is amazing, College is overrated.

Personal insightful experiences is what this incarnation is all about.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The Good Cause

Doing what feels good to me is the main focus of my current life. It is my blueprint.
I have dawdled with things that was asked of me but that did not feel good to me.
It is fascinating to watch this play out in my life now.
Most of what I am asked or invited to do benefits others. It is always preempted as ‘a good cause’. 
I have nothing against Good Cause except one tiny little thing - is this a Good Cause for me? Will I enjoy it? Will it be fun? Will it ring my bells? If the answer is not a resounding yes, then I’m declining. 
It can only ever be a Good Cause if it is good for me period.
Fortunately there are enough people in the world who will find every single thing to be a Good Cause so there is plenty for everyone.
I am purposefully focusing this incarnation on the joy of being.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My friends

These are some of my friends from another point of view.
I invited them on his particular hike and I am beyond excited to see them in my photos.
I am looking forward to see where this takes me!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Two Point


I became interested in healing energy and found this workshop on you tube.
It is extremely comprehensive and I was able to learn it in one afternoon.
I've been practicing on myself, my spouse and my stuffed toy.
I find this process to be even easier than EFT.
I am a big fan of energy healing modalities and I was extremely happy to find this one.
This workshop is by the amazing Catrin Jacksties.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Be ing.

Last night a planned power outage was in effect and I had the most fascinating experience. It was easy to meditate and do focused work. 
The candlelight afforded a gentle and inviting softness to the room.
The peace within the silence was magical.
I enjoyed the art of being.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hiking in Pt. Reyes

Hiking in Pt. Reyes. Before we began, I  nonchalantly invited a few of my non-physical friends to show up. One of them in particular enjoy being outdoors in cooler weather, so I was thrilled he came along for the views.
I will continue to invite them on my hikes from now on. 

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Being me


To be myself in this world that demands I be someone else is the path I have chosen for myself.
Is it hard? Yes.
Is it lonely? Yes.
Is it happy? Yes
Is it who I am? Yes!
Could I have made a different choice? No.
This is who I am and it pleases me immensely to meet this person.

Sunday, February 03, 2013


I have given myself permission to watch one movie per day for the
month of February.  There are so many entertaining films to be enjoyed and now seems to be as good a time as any to begin enjoying them.
Truly, my pursuit of happiness in film starts now.
I hope to watch 29 films this month.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bring it on Erik!


Last Saturday night, I was trying to balance a cup of tea and type in the word 'channeling' in google search as my MacBook tottered on one knee.
I must have hit the touchpad "unbeknownst" to myself, because the link opened up to Channeling Erik.
The rest as they say is history.
I have been glued to the website for the past five days and nights. 
At first I was a bit taken aback at Erik's potty mouth.
Then I began to laugh and relax as I do use profanity myself when I come across an asinine bit of glaring hypocrisy in my reality.
Erik's honesty communicates itself into my whole being.
He doesn't use woo woo language, nor does he 'make nice'.
He communicates in such a way that you will take a long hard look at yourself and make spiritual consciousness your goal.
As a lightworker, I am happy to have found this connection.
Thank you Erik!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Another teacher for me!


Last December I was perusing my youtube subscriptions and came upon a clip by Eloheim about the Sandyhook shootings. In it they said that our energetics are just as violent as that of the shooter. 
This disturbed me greatly, because I didn't think we harboured that much self-loathing.
Since then I've become a regular subscriber to Eloheim as the material resonates with where I am on my spiritual path to consciousness.
They said we are moving from a fear based operating system to one of a consciousness based operating system.
I like the directness of their approach and the vast amount of tools they continue to ply us with, in order for us to make this transformation.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Divine Guidance

Divine Guidance is always being offered to us. We choose our reactions to our creations.
If we feel upset by something or someone, it's because we are not looking at it from the perspective of Source.  If we make the choice for, 'what is this telling me? What do I need to pay attention to?' we would be heeding guidance and it will show up in less dramatic ways, once we begin paying attention.

In my personal life, Divine Guidance only gets dramatic when I am not paying attention.
It drops in with ease and grace mostly and then it gets incrimentally louder as I continue to turn a blind eye.

Is this posting your Divine Guidance in this moment?

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Monday, January 14, 2013

I am willing

I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing.
I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing. I am willing.

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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year Resolution for 2013

To give thanks for every single thing I've asked for backed with the feelings of having received them all.

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