Sunday, January 11, 2015

11 beliefs that are currently serving me well.

1. Daily meditation.
2. Expecting the best to happen.
3. Doing my best.
4. Applauding the success of others.
5. Releasing things easily.
6. There is always another boat.
7. I am exactly where I need to be.
8. My wellbeing is assured.
9. The Universe is benevolent.
10. I am a blessed being.
11. I live a great life.

Monday, January 05, 2015

Welcome 2015!

This year is the best yet!
I eagerly anticipate a marvelous unfolding of all the things I have
in my vortex.
My only job is to raise my frequency to where they are at.
It's that easy!
Be the joy.
Become the Joy Being I was born to be.

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