Sunday, June 07, 2015

Conversing for fun

(Another excerpt from my automatic daily writing):

In seeking out new ways to communicate effectively, what if we just sat down to talk without having a preconceived topic? Or a goal? Or a purpose? What if we just talked about whatever.

Without debating it. Without judging it. Without comparing it. Without quoting what other people had to say about it. What if we just amused ourselves with how we feel about it? A conversation out of curiosity for the fun of exploring with and in fascination.  I think we will finally allow our genuine self to be heard.

Saturday, June 06, 2015

What I would like in conversations

(This is an excerpt from my automatic writing today)
What I would like is a conversation about Self. Yourself or Myself it does not matter - What do I want? Where am I? What am I doing? What am I feeling? What is going on with me now? Am I happy now? If not why not? These are types of conversations I want to be engaged in. These are what I find really meaningful because they quite literally - on an energetic level - they pave the way for expansion or widening.  In speaking them aloud we are inviting a new level of awareness into our presence.  We are opening up and allowing ourselves more choices, more perspectives which amounts to more experiences which is the whole reason for being here; to experience.

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