Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Holographic Universe

I just saw the "Turn Off Your TV" week headlines, which started this week. I am amused. Really. For one thing, I grew up without TV initially, and when we did obtain one, I was far too engrossed in reading to give it up for a black and white fuzzy screen.
Nowadays, we have premium channels and all the HDTV that is available, and still, I will not give up my books for it.
Besides reading, I have taught myself jewelry making and beading, painting, embroidery and cross-stitch, faux glass painting, stenciling, scrap booking, card making and a ton of other stuff, which has not yet been named .
Some TV shows are interesting to watch such as 60 minutes, some episodes of The Sopranos, the early episodes of South Park, some PBS shows and a few highly entertaining movies. I watch for amusement and information not necessarily together.
Surely we do not need a "Turn Off Your TV" week to watch less TV. The interesting shows could be seen in less than 2 hours per week. So my big question is what exactly are people watching for so many hours to make it such a media alert?

Back to reading The Holographic Universe by M. Talbot.

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