Okay, so how did you do in the last Quiz?
If you guessed the toxic labels to be heart diseases, asthma, diabetes, high or low blood sugar, stress, arthritis, allergies, migraine headaches, you guessed correctly! A+ ‚
Part 2 – Emotions
There is a voice in your head, which talks incessantly if you are not mindful of your thoughts.
Recently I watched a DVD by Louis Hay where this process is beautifully depicted with a woman walking down a street in NY and she is thinking unpleasant thoughts about herself and the city.
Another woman is shown, skipping along thinking how she loves the city and how nice it is to be here, she is smiling and relaxed in her stride with a bunch of flowers in her hands.
The city is the same. The thoughts are different.
So the first lady's thoughts are what the body reacts to with the manifestation of illness or diseases because this is the story her voice in her head is saying. Naturally the body believes it and so the toxicity begins to manifest…
Tolle defined a negative emotion as one that is "toxic to the body and interferes with its balance and harmonious functioning.
Fear, anxiety, anger, bearing a grudge, sadness, hatred or intense dislike, jealousy, envy- all disrupt the energy flow of the body, affect the heart, the immune system, digestion, production of hormones and so on."
Now that you know what a negative emotion does to your body, you may want to make a real effort to stop it by simply deciding to find a way to feel better.
Usually when something goes awry we have a knee jerk reaction to it.
We panic and think the worse possible thoughts.
For example:
Someone in your household is late coming home. You start to clock watch every nano second.
You frown.
You wonder where they are.
You look at the clock again.
Another minute has passed.
You cannot concentrate on the TV show or the book.
The pleasant music you have been listening to all day is no longer pleasant.
Your phone rings, you think, "Oh my God, I knew it! There was an accident it is the police calling."
You answer the phone and it is your best friend calling to chat. You say, "I can't talk right now, Blank isn't home yet, and I want to keep the phone line open."
You hang up the phone and resume the spiral of negative thinking… in your mind Blank is already lying dead in some gutter, while you have given yourself a migraine.
In the above scenario you have done untold damage to your body, which will play out as any one of the diseases through the crack of least resistance at some point in your life. Meaning a mere cold will translate into bronchitis, a bit of dust in the air will translate into asthma, eating one more slice of bread will cause diabetes and on and on the list goes.
Most people never make this connection between negative thinking and the manifestation of diseases. Instead they are doing what the doctors and those in the medical establishment are doing – looking for a cure and not the cause.
Fortunately for you, you have just discovered the cause of your dis- eases.
It is your negative thinking.
If you have a manifestation of a disease going on right now, do no fear, you can still get rid of it providing you do the work.
However there is one catch. You have to do the work.
The good news is that the disease manifests only after prolonged years of negative thinking. Meaning that if you are manifesting 100% well being right now, you will not have a disease just because you engaged in a few negative thoughts yesterday.
Let's play over the above example of our loved one being late.
You look at the clock and you think:
Blank is late and I don't feel good, but I want to.
Blank is an excellent driver, and is an extremely responsible person.
I know that when I worry I do untold harm to my body.
I have got to find a way to feel better about this now.
I am going to relax by fixating on pleasing thoughts.
I expect Blank is caught up in traffic, or he may have stopped to wash the car, fill it up or he may have had to wait extra long for transportation today.
Or he is out with friends after work.
I am pleased Blank makes time to have fun; it is good for her to socialize with other people and enjoy herself.
I must remember that well being abounds!
Things always turn out well for me.
I am doing all right.
In fact I feel so relieved! My thoughts feel so good!
The phone rings and you think, "I hope it is my best friend, I want to discuss that last episode of Heroes we saw…."
You eagerly reach for the phone…
You have just allowed yourself an avalanche of well being to flow unhindered in and through out your body.
If you continue to train yourself into finding a better feeling thought in every moment, there is no disease you cannot cure and there is no disease that can manifest in your body.
When you think a negative thought does it create dis ease in your body?
Does your negative thoughts about someone else create dis ease in their body?