Saturday, January 12, 2008

The birth of emotions

I have been reading the most fascinating chapter on ‘the pain-body’ in the book A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle (the chap who wrote The Power of Now) and I wanted to share excerpts of it. Really, I'm doing this for my own personal clarification more than anything else. It just seems more fun to post it here!

I am totally fascinated as this stuff I have been learning from EFT and from my other metaphysical studies, but Tolle writes it from a scientific point of view, which makes it even more acceptable to everyone!

Here is part 1- the birth of emotion.

“Although the body is very intelligent, it cannot tell the difference between an actual situation and a thought. It reacts to every thought as if it were a reality. It doesn’t know it is just a thought.”

In other words the mind does not know the difference between a thought or a reality.
It just goes by what you think and feel and not what IS.

So when the body has a worrisome or fearful thought it thinks it is in danger, even if the body is at home in safe, comfortable environment! A mere negative thought (not an actual reality or fact, just a thought) sends the body into an alert state

Here is what really happens according to Tolle and which I know instinctively to be true:

‘ The heart beats faster, muscles contract, breathing becomes rapid. There is a buildup of energy, but since the danger is only mental fiction, the energy has no outlet.
Part of it is fed back to the mind and generates even more anxious thought. The rest of the energy turns toxic and interferes with the harmonious functioning of the body.”

What are some of the labels this toxic energy is given by the medical profession?

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