“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls” ~Joseph Campbell
Monday, December 21, 2009
I value only what makes me feel good.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Supercook to the rescue!
Friday, December 18, 2009
A Woman in Charge
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Being harmonious with myself and those like me
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Well-being abounds!
I make it a point to seek out Well being within each day and do you know, it's always there? Everywhere I look it's there delighting and surprisng me.
This morning I was hoping I had some cocoa powder for some spicy hot chocolate, but I wasn't sure. Then I opened the pantry, scanning the shelves and there it was! A new box of Droste Cocoa powder!
Well being truly abounds!
I make it a point of looking for the well being and looking away from that which is not and you know what?
The more I seek out the well-being, the more I get what I want.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Evidence of my evolving life.
I get all green lights and easy parking spaces easily and effortlessly.
People are nicer than ever before.
I see more deer, fox, groundhogs, rabbits and turkeys in the garden.
The hummingbirds, cardinals and bluebirds perch on the deck railing,
just a few feet from where I would be standing or sitting.
I am having great success with everything I plant.
We discover one new place to visit every weekend.
We always have a vacation away from home to look forward to.
This summer has been one of the best ones since I've been here in MA.
I am always discovering really fabulous food when we go out.
It seems that I barely ask for something and it shows up in a matter
of days.
I can feel that my life is flowing with more ease and grace than a
year ago.
The best is yet to be!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Remember when?
Remember when some well meaning, well intentioned but extremely misguided adult would say the following:
“It’s for your own good that I am spanking you.”
“I worry about you because I love you.”
“ I know it tastes bad but it’s good for you.”
“I know you hate to eat_____ but it is good for you.”
“Even though you dislike being with your grouchy ______, nevertheless you have to go and visit.”
“I know you don’t want to _____ but I say you must.”
‘You cannot do only what you think is good for you, you have to do as I say and forget about your feelings.”
My question is:
Just how disconnected were these people, to actually believe these statements?
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Allowing Others.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
I am sitting here sipping my coffee and enjoying the smell of freshly cut grass. I like the textured look and feel my lawn has. It contains about three different grasses as well as clover. I love clover! I am mesmerized by my lawn. It reminds me of how I live my life. I abhor sameness. I love that every patch of grass is different. I love the uneven growth, the different shades of green, the different shapes of every blade of grass and the white flowers which dots the lawn right before they get mowed over. I shudder to think of how dull life would be if we all thought the same.. ugh!
Monday, July 27, 2009
I thought that was kinda blah and I ought to reach for something
I checked the emoscale and found I was in boredom.
I thought that was really awful until I saw what was beneath boredom:
I felt immediately better that I was only in Boredom :)
I proceeded to do some of the processes to move myself into a better feeling place.
inspired to do.
It's amazing to have access to so much power and control over my own life.
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Since I've quit worrying which is really an ongoing mind re training project with me, I've had time to read all the books you see on the left.
I've also had time to watch countless movies old and new, as well as attend to numerous projects, participate in social events and be in active communications with my few trusted friends around the globe.
I've also found that I have no tolerance for people who participate in worry and who wants to share their worries with me.
It just does not feel good to me.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Finding harmony with my own desires
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Born to be selfish
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
My real destination
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I love it!
It has always only been about me, me, me!
So when the disgruntled man asked me to move my car because 'that was no place to park' I cheerfully moved it, and grinned at him when someone else promptly moved into the spot!
Others can try to ruin my day and they can succeed only if I let them.
Only if I let them!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Vibrational Harmony
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Get Happy!
I am blessed to do whatever I want, whenever I want and however I want.
Mostly I do it all with a happy spirit.
Washing the sinks and bathrooms?
I usually listen to an audio book while doing the mundane chores.
Invigorating music.
Abraham cds or audio books.
That speaks for itself! :)
Netflix streaming or a DVD
MacBook of course!
(sheer pleasure just to use it as a tool)
audio book or music
When I am not doing any of the above I am usually daydreaming in my journals using gel pens of course!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Lighten up!
of June.
I got to clarify more clearly what I did want.
I found out that I want more like minded people to rendezvous with.
I want more enthusiastic, joyful beings to romp with.
I like being with people who appreciate everything in their experience.
I like an adventurous spirit.
I like when life is looked at from an overflowing point of view rather
than half empty or even half full.
It is always overflowing to me.
I'd like for it to rain every other day.
I like the lightening storms once a month as they boost plant growth.
I enjoy seeing the deer every single day.
I love and adore silence.
I do my best creating in this feathered nest.
I like being reminded to lighten up and not be so damned perfecting!
So I've decided against ripping out a row of cross stitch because I
used the
wrong shade of pink! (I really need to lighten up don't I?)
What if everyone minded their own business period?
I gleefully and eagerly accept that the magnificent life I am now
living is always working to accommodate me.
ALWAYS working to accommodate me, no matter how it looks.
As I lighten up during the course of the rest of my life I will
benefit enormously from the contrasting experiences.
I will no longer freak out over the What Is.
So here is my story:
I am enormously appreciative of my guests who were of a completely
different vibration and not.
I saw somethings which I had active in my vibrations as well and I do
thank them for pointing that out.
I remember a time when my mother was so discontented and resentful of
my father that even she forgot why.
It became a habit to complain about him and so she never stopped!
I remember when my brother refused to acknowledge that my parents
started him out with the business he now has.
It's amusing to hear him say that he created it from scratch by the
sweat of his brow. The other day when I got off the Precor machine I
felt the sweat on my eyebrows and wondered what could I create with
it? Then I thought of calling my expert brother and asking him!!!
I do so enjoy cracking myself up!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The most important reason for feeling good!
Monday, June 29, 2009
My 15 minutes of Imagining my daily life
I enjoy awakening to birdsong and deer feeding in the wildflower meadow these mornings."We're going to give you a very powerful statement: Everything that you will some day live, in terms of life experience — and by some day, we mean as soon as right now, tomorrow, the next day, or some day — anything that you will some day live, you have first imagined. Because nothing will manifest in your experience without the imagination process happening first."Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 5th, 2002 Abraham-Hicks.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
The daily photo posting is not in my best interest.
It is easy enough to take a snapshot or two of my daily activities.
However it is not convenient to upload and post the photos on a daily basis here so this project has come to an end!
I will continue to post photos of my trips to my photo blog.
My father wrote his autobiography and I am now in the process of transcribing it to it's own blogsite.
I find it to be very fascinating since it describes his life before me!
I also like the idea of continuing my journals here, because I already have a tote full of journals and I don't really want to have extra boxes for my next relocation.
I am also looking to digitally store all my 'kodak' print pictures as well.
Virtual Storage seems like a viable option for me at this time.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
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