Thursday, August 13, 2009

Well-being abounds!

I make it a point to seek out Well being within each day and do you know, it's always there? Everywhere I look it's there delighting and surprisng me.

This morning I was hoping I had some cocoa powder for some spicy hot chocolate, but I wasn't sure. Then I opened the pantry, scanning the shelves and there it was! A new box of Droste Cocoa powder!

Well being truly abounds!

I make it a point of looking for the well being and looking away from that which is not and you know what?

The more I seek out the well-being, the more I get what I want.

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Evidence of my evolving life.

I am more relaxed.
I  get all green lights and easy parking spaces easily and effortlessly.
People are nicer than ever before.
I see more deer, fox, groundhogs, rabbits and turkeys in the garden.
The hummingbirds, cardinals and bluebirds perch on the deck railing,  
just a few feet from where I would be standing or sitting.
I am having great success with everything I plant.
We discover one new place to visit every weekend.
We always have a vacation away from home to look forward to.
This summer has been one of the best ones since I've been here in MA.
I am always discovering  really fabulous food  when we go out.
It seems that I barely ask for something and it shows up in a matter  
of days.
I can feel that my life is flowing with more ease and grace than a  
year ago.
The best is yet to be!
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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Remember when?


Remember  when some well meaning, well intentioned but extremely misguided adult would say the following:

 “It’s for your own good that I am spanking you.”

“I worry about you because I love you.”

“ I know it tastes bad but it’s good for you.”

“I know you hate to eat_____ but it is good for you.”

“Even though you dislike being with your grouchy ______, nevertheless you have to go and visit.”

“I know you don’t want to _____ but I say you must.”

‘You cannot do only what you think is good for you, you have to do as I say and forget about your feelings.”

My question is:

Just how disconnected were these people, to actually believe these statements?

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Allowing Others.

I have the audacity to want others to have a more joyful life experience, and so I can sometimes bully them into it, because I cannot stand to see them having a limiting, mediocre life experience.

Of course it NEVER works! They have to WANT to be more joyful and I can want it for them, but I cannot make them do it, or be it or even want it.

I now accept  the fact that my only business on this planet is to personally seek my own upliftment and to allow others.
Allowing others is the most important change I have made to date.

Allowing others to be as happy, joyous and fulfilled as they wish to be.
Allowing others to be as sad, miserable, depressed, sick and angry as they wish to be.
Allowing others period.

Of course it also means that I now allow myself to be only with those who are like-minded :)

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Monday, August 03, 2009


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I imagine heaven to be feelings of joyousness, since it is not actually a place but a feeling.
It has got to be a feeling because we are vibrational beings having a physical experience.
My life then, is mostly heavenly!
I love life.
I love the life I live.
I love being me.

Sometimes I experience hell too, this is when I am making myself do something or think something that is not joyful.
Fortunately, I am doing less of that these days.
Heaven is where I plan on residing!

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