Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Being worthy

I recently became aware of the fact that I have been allowing myself to feel my worthiness. I use to parrot this phrase before, while still putting other people's desires before my own.
It wasn't until I was called selfish one too many times, that I began to grin like a selfish cat.
Yes, I am finally being the worthy being I was born being.
I am the center of my own universe, just as you are the center of yours.
I have been picking and choosing what makes me feel really, really good, what rings my bell and what will be most fun and interesting for me in the moment.
In choosing what brings me the most joy, I am actually living my dream. I am not just dreaming it, or hoping for it, or preparing for it; I am living it.
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Monday, April 19, 2010

What type of chatter do you listen to?

Fortunately I spend most of my time alone, which means I am not privvy to any sort of chatter outside of what is going on in my head.
When I do have opportunities to converse with others, I am interested in what's good in their lives. What new, exciting, inspiring things they experienced and what are they looking forward to.
I enjoy when we verbalize our appreciation for all the good that is going on around us.
I adore uplifting conversations.

Ocassionally someone will whine about their co-workers or mate and the thought in my head is you are going to get more of that and sure enough the next time we meet that person will have more to add to the previous whine.

We can either chatter about what's good in our lives and in the world and thus create more good, or we can chatter about what's wrong and create more of that.

The choice is always ours.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cultivating happiness

What makes me happy?
The immediate answer is anything and everything that pleases me!

How do I cultivate happiness in my life?
By feeling my way to it.

It is a path that we all have access to at all times, and contrary to all the false teachings I use to guide myself with, it doesn't come from anyone or anything outside of my very own attention to the way I feel.

My feelings are my only guide to my happiness. I'm always deciding how I want to feel and by choosing the best feeling thought, I am usually, mostly, quite happy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

750 Words

I practice stream of consciousness writing on a daily basis. I've been doing it for a number of years now, give or take a week here and there. Mostly I enjoy the process with gel pens and a spiral bound notebook. A month ago, I discovered 750 words which allows me to do the same process using my keyboard.
At first it was very difficult as I could not get use to typing my thoughts as fast as they were flowing. It felt awkward, compared to the smooth rhythm of pen on paper.
However, by day three, I became used to the process and now I am at day 17 and I find it to be utterly comfortable.
I am very appreciative of Buster Benson for creating this outlet that is so convenient for those of us who are focused on evolving and expanding ourselves.
He is contributing to humanity more than he can ever know. Like me, Buster is a born uplifter and anything we can do to guide our fellow beings back to the basic knowledge of Joy is what we are here to do. Don't you just love that?

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Positive Expectations

I was going over some notebooks for recycling and saw I had made a lot of entries around the subject of positive expectation.
At one point, I was making daily lists of positive expectations. I was enthralled to read these again, as a lot of them had materialized in wonderful ways. Positive Expectation is quite powerful as it sets the tone for life experience.
I notice when I have positive expectation, I am confident and knowing it will come about. I just expect it to be the best, whatever it is.
Even when it turns out not to be, the thing that follows is usually much better than my best expectation of the previous thing.
In other words, nothing ever really goes wrong and everything keeps getting better and better.
I am now inspired to dedicate a new notebook to daily lists of Positive Expectations!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Being kind to me.

Are you allowing the wellbeing that you are identifying to flow into your experience?
I am and I want to allow even more of it.
It is interesting to note that even when I am not allowing my wellbeing to flow, new ideas are being born in that moment which continues to take me forward into even a better life than before the new idea was born...
I've just got to go and when I don't I get earaches and headaches. See how that works?
So firstly I have to begin by making peace with where I am.
That's easy. I've being doing that all week. Suddenly the most important thing in my life right now is me.
Self appreciation is big on my list. Now I mostly take care of myself before I do anything else:
Meditation, naps, appreciation lists, participating in activities I enjoy, first and foremost. I was doing all these things in reverse order before. Now I find that I no longer have to do most of them at all, as there are others who are willing to do it for me.
The resources of the universe are at my fingertips once I practice being kind to myself.

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