Thursday, February 10, 2011

Living well.

Quick, think of three people you know who are mostly pessimistic or unhappy.

What’s their quality of life?

What surprised me about this exercise was that three people immediately came to mind.

I felt delighted because it seemed natural for our relationship to drift apart, since we view the world from entirely different filters.

And you know, there is nothing wrong with that; you can continue to love and appreciate another, without having to get caught up in their personal miseries.

Physically distancing myself from all the dramas and traumas of the world, has allowed me to focus entirely upon my own happiness. This attention to what’s good and how can I feel good now is an ongoing mind training with me which has netted me a rich life.

A shift in thinking thoughts is all that’s needed to unlock the fabulous life that is ours for the taking.

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