Thursday, January 02, 2014

Pausing to ponder...

Pausing to ponder a few different viewpoints on the topics of judgement and
I highlighted the ones that resonated the most.

The following was copied with permission from The Amendment.

Judgmental: Failing to hide an impression or opinion
Judgmental: Giving away self-esteem
Judgmental: Failure to appreciate everyone, always
Judgmental: Looking outward, never inward
Judgmental: Short sighted evaluation with unilateral criteria
Judgmental: Substandard
Judgmental: Righteous for good reason
Judgmental: Righteous for bad reason
Judgmental: Placing others’ low self opinion above yourself
Judgmental: Admission that you disapprove
Judgmental: Offering disapproval not requested 

Judgmental: Enforcing standards where necessary
Judgmental: Enforcing blind, uneven standards
Forgiveness: Forgetting what happened
Forgiveness: Understanding really why it happened
Forgiveness: Accepting that revenge will not undo what happened
Forgiveness: Preventing not returning
Forgiveness: Progress
Forgiveness: Learning and appreciating one’s OWN lesson, beyond the hurt
Forgiveness: Appreciating the lesson for & from the other side
Forgiveness: Strengthening your protection from repeats
Forgiveness: Abandonment of retribution
Forgiveness: The greater context
Forgiveness: Giving oneself permission to be happy 

Forgiveness: Acceptance of contrition
Choose your views... 

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