Saturday, November 22, 2014


This morning I spent sometime lying on the couch thinking of how nice to not do anything. 
Then I watched some youtube videos that had me thinking about the pleasure of doing nothing and how that in itself is doing something...

To do nothing is to do something.

A few hours later I decided to google places I'd like to live in next.
I am sensing my time is up in Sunnyvale and this is not the city I want to live and move and have my being in anymore.
I found a list of places that really resonates with me.
The whole exercise was  quite enjoyable.

It is now past 2 PM and I am still on the couch. 
I am not over anxious to get out because it is a nice sunny California day and we should really be outdoors walking and enjoying... blah...blah...blah.
Did not have those shoulding on myself episodes.
Instead, I had the best time looking up places I'd like to live in next.
Now, I will get off the couch in search of something to eat.

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