Friday, May 19, 2006

I got it!

This morning I am up early gazing out my window. It is a bit quiet, not as many singing birds, but there is the sound of the rain and the woods are drenched with the grey blue skies above.
I love that I can look out into the woods from my windows. It is a real treasure, it feels magical but a better word for me would be aligned.

And it occurs to me that once you truly, truly feel the joy and appreciation for every single thing/event in your life you will be abundant in material wealth. There is absolutely no question about it. Once your dominant vibration becomes appreciation and joy all abundance will follow. Must follow.

The joy is surprisingly quiet. Sometimes I clap and shout 'YES' and other times, I am quietly pleased and delighted and there is just a whisper of, "thank you".

I say this even when I am experiencing non 'feel good' things. I am appreciative of the experience because it forces me to focus with more clarity on what I do want. Before, my focus was sloppy, so I got stuff I didn't want.

My only work is to feel good. I get that, I really do.

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