Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Procrastination is a good thing!

I like being inspired to action because things always work out with ease and effortlessness and the results are always better than I had expected.

I have noticed that when I make myself do something, it is a hard and sometimes frustrating process. I get to check out off my list, but it was not pleasing to me.

I like making a positive list of all the things that will happen when I take action.
Creating this list is what inspires me to action.

Nowadays, when I don’t feel inspired, I just don’t do it – and some would call that procrastination and that’s a good thing!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

If it feels good, I pay attention.

I don't really understand why anyone would want to read or watch or talk about anything that made them feel sad, uncomfortable, depressed, or any kind of negative emotion.
I admit I use to to that, back when I thought doing the right thing was more important than doing what feels good.

Turns out I had some screwy training alright!

Nowadays, I indulge in only what feels good. It means I don't watch the news, or join any kind of groups that wants to take action for or against anything.I focus on tending to my own vibrations and so far it has netted me some really awesome results.
Now where did I leave my gel pens?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

My Garden

I want a green, healthy, lawn, with healthy trees, shrubs, roses, vegetables and other plants.
I thrill to the sounds of the sprinklers coming on in the mornings, and as I look out the windows I can see the water droplets glistening on the bright green blades of grass.
I gleefully walk barefooted on this soft, luxurious, living carpet of coolness as I make my way around the garden pruning the roses and other plants. The heady fragrance of the roses rises to my nostrils mingled with the scent of Rosemary.
I am now sitting on the grass feeling deep appreciation for the wellbeing that surrounds me. Wellbeing abounds, and there is nothing I have to do except to allow it in.
I have faith that this is so. My garden is flourishing to its maximum potential this season and all seasons forward.

Friday, April 13, 2007

My imagination

I believe that when I use my imagination to daydream about things I want, or a being I want to be or something I want to do it will happen.
This is how I utilize the Law Of Attraction (shhhhh it’s a Secret).
All things are possible if ye believe.
I do believe in my dreams and I dream with belief, hence the reason for every single one of my manifestations.

Daydreaming, or Imagining, or Pretending, or Vring is so much fun!
I love creating in this state and watching how things manifest for me.

For example, this morning I imagined myself going to the stores and finding front door parking. Next I imagined getting in and finding all the items on my list, and having a fast, smooth checkout.
This is exactly what happened with one seeming hiccup- I forgot one thing on my list. When I got home I found that I already had the item and did not need to buy it!

I did the same thing to manifest flying First Class to Paris a few years ago.
As Abraham says, “It is as easy to manifest a button as it is to manifest a castle.”

You ought to see my house in Northern Ca!

Friday, March 30, 2007


I began reading Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman again this week.
I thought of reading it on Sunday night, and then early in the week, a friend of mine happened to mention the book and I thought I really ought to pick it up again.

While I am very good at quieting my mind, I have not actually felt the presence of my guide or guides yet, and I don’t even have a name in mind. So I am still in chapter one.

Sometimes I journal my IB which writes better than when I try to listen only, as in meditation.
I guess the process doesn’t matter, just the results.

I was also perusing YouTube and found a great instructional Kirtan Kriya Meditation.
I like this because it causes my mind to focus on a sound, thus releasing resistance which is my ultimate goal!

The one practice which never fails me is placing a piece of dark smooth Belgian chocolate on my tongue, closing eyes and remaining as motionless as possible until chocolate completely melts.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Curried red kidney beans and Cauliflower

I cooked Curried Red Kidney Beans and Cauliflower (Rajma Masala) found in the Sunset magazine, and I have to say it is absolutely fragrant and tasty!

If all vegetarian dishes were this delicious I would eat more vegetables!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Divine Matrix

It’s Sunday and I am reading The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden which is deliciously along the lines of what I have to come to know and understand about consciousness and existence.
Nothing in this book surprises me, and everything delights me, because Science is beginning to understand what we have all known intuitively for eons now.
The thing that did make me smile was a Neville quote in Chapter 3 “Imagination creates reality… man is all imagination.”
Prior to purchasing and reading The Divine Matrx, I was also reading three books by Neville…

Yesterday as I was about to leave the house, I impulsively wrote in my journal I wanted phone calls from two specific people that day.
Later on when I returned home, the said two people had called and left messages shortly after I had journaled the entry.

So what are you thinking about right now? Because whatever it is you are creating it, so make sure it is something you want!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mango Couscous with Green Onion and Sesame Parchment Baked Fish

My dinner menu for last night came from Oprah Magazine and Sunset Magazine.
I paired them together and they were not only easy to prepare but scrumptious as well.

You may fine the recipe for the fish here

Mango Couscous
Created by Marcus Samuelsson
From Great Food in the September 2006 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine
Serves 4 (Makes 5 cups)
Printer-Friendly Version Review This Recipe Sweetened with mango, this boldly colored couscous tastes as bright as it looks.
1 cup couscous
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1 mango, peeled, pitted and cut into 1-inch cubes (about 1 cup)
1 jalapeño chili, seeds and ribs removed, finely chopped
1/2 cup raisins
1 ripe tomato, chopped
Juice of 1 lime (about 2 Tbsp.)
1/4 cup cilantro sprigs, chopped
1/4 cup parsley sprigs, chopped
1/2 tsp. salt, plus more to taste Prepare couscous according to package directions. Fluff with a fork and set aside. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large sauté pan over high heat. Add garlic, mango and jalapeño. Sauté until mango begins to color, about 1 minute. Stir in remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil, couscous, raisins, tomato, lime juice, cilantro and parsley and toss to heat through, about 1 minute. Season with salt. Serve hot or at room temperature.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Ah-ha moment today!

I had a huge Ah-ha moment today during quiet time.

I realized that it was better to feel pissed off and revengeful for stuff not manifesting, than it is to try and justify why I want, what I want!

Feeling pissed off, revengeful, angry and just plain old 'hollering at the Universe' is flowing downstream, while searching for reasons in order to justify why I want what I want is flowing upstream on a frozen river to boot!!!!

That is sooooooooooooooo hard! And yet we do it. Why is that?

My internet was down today. I unplugged, hit the reset button did all kinds of things to get it up and running, I rattled off a list of reasons why I needed it to work and it didn't come up.
Finally, I swore up and down, cussed and yelled until I felt unequivocally better and immediately it came up!

I had a new vibrational set point, that had nothing to do with Charter Communication, it was all about my own consciousness in the stream....

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