Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Divine Matrix

It’s Sunday and I am reading The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden which is deliciously along the lines of what I have to come to know and understand about consciousness and existence.
Nothing in this book surprises me, and everything delights me, because Science is beginning to understand what we have all known intuitively for eons now.
The thing that did make me smile was a Neville quote in Chapter 3 “Imagination creates reality… man is all imagination.”
Prior to purchasing and reading The Divine Matrx, I was also reading three books by Neville…

Yesterday as I was about to leave the house, I impulsively wrote in my journal I wanted phone calls from two specific people that day.
Later on when I returned home, the said two people had called and left messages shortly after I had journaled the entry.

So what are you thinking about right now? Because whatever it is you are creating it, so make sure it is something you want!

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