Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Ah-ha moment today!

I had a huge Ah-ha moment today during quiet time.

I realized that it was better to feel pissed off and revengeful for stuff not manifesting, than it is to try and justify why I want, what I want!

Feeling pissed off, revengeful, angry and just plain old 'hollering at the Universe' is flowing downstream, while searching for reasons in order to justify why I want what I want is flowing upstream on a frozen river to boot!!!!

That is sooooooooooooooo hard! And yet we do it. Why is that?

My internet was down today. I unplugged, hit the reset button did all kinds of things to get it up and running, I rattled off a list of reasons why I needed it to work and it didn't come up.
Finally, I swore up and down, cussed and yelled until I felt unequivocally better and immediately it came up!

I had a new vibrational set point, that had nothing to do with Charter Communication, it was all about my own consciousness in the stream....

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