Sunday, August 06, 2006


Today was a long series of Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs.
Let me explain:
I was awoken with a back massage, followed by home-made latte on the deck where the temperature was 62°F. The birds, flowers and gentle breezes were heavenly.

Lunched at Red Robin where the gourmet burgers are exquisite.
Sat on massage chairs at Brookstone’s for well over an hour, while listening to Latin Salsa.

Reluctantly left there for Sam's Club where we investigated some new electronic gadgets, and I bought yet another paperback novel.

Prepared grilled vegetables for dinner, accompanied with left over pot roast. I was quite surprised at how scrumptious this tasted!

Drew a lovely rose scented bath and proceeded to read An Unexpected Light – a story about travels in Afghanistan by Jason Eliot.
This book has completely captured my reading attention this summer, like no other. For me, it is better than if I had personally gone to Afghanistan. Jason Eliot tells of an Afghanistan that only those who dwell there know about. He is the most eloquent travel writer I have ever read. What a breathtakingly marvelous read this book is. Can’t wait to continue reading tomorrow.

'Tis late and I must retire now into a relaxing slumber of Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh’s

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