Sunday, August 20, 2006

All Paths Lead to Source.

I was reading a quote by Abraham earlier on, which talked about there being endless paths to Source and that it is the connection to Source that we are all seeking. We do well to compliment others on their choice of path, rather than ridicule, criticize or oppose them.
All paths lead to God because there is only One of us.
I love the idea of so many different paths and religions. I like the rituals, celebrations, costumes, traditions and food.
Essentially, we are all wanting the same things: Abundance of health, wealth, joy, happiness and ease of living. To grow and evolve into the larger parts of whom we sense we are. We are constantly striving to be larger than the limited physical self we project here.
Truth be told, we are larger and sometimes, in our finest moments of pure bliss we feel and sense our greatness and ultimately our oneness with All That Is or Who We Truly Are!

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