Monday, June 26, 2006

The most profound film of my lifetime

I finally had the pleasure of seeing one of the most extra-ordinary love stories ever told on the screen.
This movie is so exquisite that I was glued motionless and probably breathless for two hours and fourteen minutes.
This film accurately depicts a love that transcends every barrier known and unknown to the human race.

How did Ang Lee manage to depict the elusive essence of love- things which at one time could only be felt by the heart and experienced in the deepest privacy of one’s soul - with such clarity and impact, I will never know, nor do I need to.

The cinematography is breathtaking.
The story is the most heart wrenching emotional journey I have ever experienced.
This is one of the finest films ever made. I feel blessed and privileged to have seen a movie of this caliber in my lifetime.
The director is Ang Lee. The film is Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx, and the story first appeared in the New Yorker, Issue October 13th, 1977.

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