Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A postcard I'd like to send

Today I received a reminder postcard from my chiropractor, which contained the following pre printed text:

Just a friendly reminder:
It has been ____________ since your last visit.

Remember your spine needs a checkup to stay healthy. Call for an appointment.

I’ve been toying with the idea of sending a postcard to him:

Dear Chiropractor,
My spine has been doing a superb job of taking care of itself for the last four decades, and it has every intention of continuing to summon well- being.

The only reason why I visit you from time to time is when I freak out at the slightest feeling of discomfort. I am glad you are there for me to rely on, but I know that I do my own healing.
You see, I allow myself to release resistance when I pay you a visit, quicker than when I try to do it all alone.

I want to get to where, I can fully rely on myself, without needing the crutch your visit provides.

If you’d like me to visit, so that you can pay your bills, I can do that, but do understand that it won’t be because my spine needs a check up to stay healthy.

My spine and I are doing really, really, well.

Leisure Goddess

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