“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls” ~Joseph Campbell
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Here's to Joy!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Questions from OWN
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My feel-good word list
Abundance, Bliss, Clarity, Delicious, Energetic, Fun, Gorgeous, Harmonious, Inspiring, Jazzed, Kind, Lively, Marvelous, Nice, Optimistic, Prosperous, Quintessential, Resourceful, Spunky, Terrific, Unique, Versatile, Wonderful, ‘Xciting, Yes, Zesty.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
My Ithaka
I use to think my life’s purpose was all about getting to Ithaka, until I discovered the journey itself is Ithaka.
My journey so far has been full of adventures and discovery of both wonderful and contrasting things.
Initially, I was afraid because I didn’t understand how and why certain things were happening.
As I asked for and became open to the answers, I began to see differently.
There is only wellbeing or me cutting myself off from the wellbeing.
There is only my connection to Source, or me cutting off that connection to Source.
After that revelation, my voyage became quite blissful and at some point I began traveling through Ithaka without being aware of it.
I am living, moving and having my being in Ithaka.
How else can I explain the lovely days of my life?
The expanded thoughts I think?
The pleasure I derive when I think of loved ones?
When I stop at their shores and I choose what I want to buy?
I don’t have to live in those shores to love and appreciate the best things about them. Instead, I take what I want and leave the rest.
Taking in the best of everyone and everything is what Ithaka is to me.
If I should ever forget my way, get lost, or thrown out, it’s all right as I know how to find my way back to Ithaka.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
My Red Mittens
Friday, February 19, 2010
My blessed ear ache!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My horoscope for Feb 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I am a loyal fan.
My personal wellbeing is evolving; I am always in a state of becoming.
There are different degrees of feeling good depending on the individual and also the set point or tone of that individual.
This is something that one has to experience at a personal level. You cannot read about it in a blog to know it.
For example, 15 years ago, I felt better watching TheOprahShow than Sally Jesse. Today I watch Oprah about once a year when her guest happens to be someone I adore. The shows about abuse, rapists, messy homes, overweight and such, do not ring my bells, so I never watch them.
I am no longer a loyal fan of the show, but rather a loyal fan to my wellbeing.
This is true of all TV series and movies. I will watch only that which feels good to me and ignore the rest.
I apply this rule to relationships as well. In my own marriage, we are not together because we've been married for 21 years. We are together because we want to be with each other.
Anytime a relationship is making demands on me to be less than I am, or asking me to change so that they can feel better, I let them off the hook by backing away. My feelings are what matters most to me.
My only job is to seek joy in my life. In all ways, by all means. I milk every aspect of my personal life for the joy of it by blogging about the fun I am having or talking about it with others at every opportunity.
Whatever I think about is!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A technique for feeling better right now
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Reminder to self
I am always guided to do what's best.
I know that all is well and getting better.
Time is limitless.
There is always another boat and another day.
The best is yet to come.
I am always in the right place at the right time.
We live not once, but as many times as we choose.
I live in a world of my own creation.
Wellbeing is the order of the day.
New desires are being born every minute.
Life is good.
I am doing extremely well.
My only job is feel as good as I can feel in every moment.
I am living happily ever after.
I am living a joy filled life.
I am looking forward to what's coming next.
I am frequently inspired to new thought.
My thoughts always delight me.
My body is a wonderful chemical factory that knows and does take care of itself.
All I ever have to do is breathe deeply and deliberately as often as I can.
I am good.
I am deserving.
I am worthy.
Good things come to me.
Life is fun.
I came for the fun of it.
This world is not broken nor does it need fixing.
Be the love you seek in the world
Saturday, February 13, 2010
What's your story?
Friday, February 12, 2010
I'm an addict
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Appreciating the ornery ones!
This is what seperates those of us who are living extraordinary lives from those who are living lives of quiet desperation.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
My Personal Beliefs☮
That whether or not you choose to embrace my beliefs, they are true for me and that is all that matters!
I cannot become poor enough to help poor people get rich and I cannot get sick enough to help sick people get well.-AbrahamHicks
We are each responsible for how we choose to feel and what thoughts we choose to have. Our physical manifestations are letting us know!
That every 'death' is a choice and all it really means is that we have returned to the fullness of who we are in nonphysical form. All the more reason for us to seek joy over anything else!
That my willingness to allow myself to experience joy and well being is the only credential that matters.
That my life is constantly evolving and I get to decide what I want to experience in every moment.
Two people can look at the exact thing and see something totally different, because we are each a unique being who came here for the joy of the diversity.
That I am a powerful creator and that I create every single experience in my life, I also know that no one else can have any influence in my life. It's all my doing.
That my background and circumstances
may have influenced who I am.
Ultimately I am responsible for who I am becoming and everyone and everything else is off the hook!
That any heart break or sorrow I feel is never about the other person and always about me and my connection to Source/God.
That when I truly love myself as God/ Source loves me, the subject of forgiveness becomes irrelevant.
That maturity or a life is not how many years I've been here, but how much joy I've allowed myself to experience.
That anger is a blessed emotional signal that tells me I am in opposition to what I want.
That heroes are the people who listen to their own guidance system. This way they can never do anything that is detrimental to another. Ever.
That either you are a deliberate creator or not; you can decide for yourself OR you can let others decide for you.
That I should keep going for as long as I enjoy it and when I am no longer enjoying it, it is time to quit. Quitting something I no longer enjoy is the most spiritual thing I can ever do.
That what others say and do is none of my business.
That when a relationship no longer serves us, it is time for us to move on.
That all relationships are eternal, regardless of where we are physically.
That you can do something that takes you out of your natural state of well being and that it's a wonderful signal for you to return to your state of wellbeing.
That I am exactly where I was meant to be and I am eager about my unfolding.
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