Friday, February 26, 2010


This week I've been beating the drum of good weather in my neck of the woods and sure enough that is exactly what I've been experiencing.
This morning, as I was journaling in bed, while looking out the bank of windows in my bedroom, I was mesmerized by the big fat fluffy snow flakes.
It was so beautiful to watch them dance their way to the ground.
Later on, as I was preparing olive bread dough - olive because it's a good way to make sure I am eating my MUFA's - it was hailing 8mm beads. This was fun to watch too!
They were raining down in perfect, white spheres, which was abruptly followed by about ten minutes of sunshine, followed by a slight rain and now itis perfectly dry and quiet.
I like knowing that the Universe responds to my drum beat. Whatever I offer appreciation and praise for, is exactly what my world manifests.
Nothing is better than knowing that Universe responds to my vibrations every single time!

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