Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Red Mittens

I was thinking about those Red Mittens as I watch the 2010 Winter Olympic Games and the lyrics of a rap song by Classified which talked about the Canadian flag, Keep it high, keep it visual. The waving mittens were certainly keeping spirits high and visual. It was hard not to feel the essence and exuberance of their enthusiasm as I took in the games via my flatscreen.
I feel so much appreciation for the spirit of the games...

Then this morning my door bell rings.
It is the our post mistress who needed my signature for a package.
Contents of said package?
Red Mittens commemorating the 2010 games.
How blessed am I?
To think a thought with ease and then to have it manifest without me whispering a single word to another human.
This is creation at its very best.

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