Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A technique for feeling better right now

It is rubbish for others to think they know what is best for me.
It is rubbish for me to be beholden to anyone but myself.
It is rubbish for me to listen to gossip.
It is rubbish for me to participate in anything that does not support my personal well being.
It is rubbish for me to listen to tales of woe.
It is rubbish for me to watch the news, movies, or anything that does not make me feel good.
It is rubbish for me to put up with things because.
It is rubbish for me to be bound by duty and not desire.
It is rubbish for me force myself to take action.
It is rubbish for me to participate or believe in something just because others are doing it.
It is rubbish for me to do anything other than live a joyful, fun, thrilling, adventurous life.

After that little rampage, the sentence that brought the most tingles down my spine is
It is rubbish for me to participate in anything that does not support my personal well being.
Let me repeat that for good measure
It is rubbish for me to participate in anything that does not support my personal well being.
For the rest of this glorious big, fat snowflakes day, I am going to journal around this topic.

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