Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here's to Joy!

For the past two week, I anticipated the nightly 2010 Olympic Winter Games with great eagerness.
It was thrilling to share in the energy of the games, as well as to celebrate with each player his or her privilege of competing at the games.
The enthusiasm was always high and very contagious as it eeked out via my flat screen on a nightly basis.
It was entertaining to spend so many hours blissing and basking in the joy of each moment. Truly, every moment was joyful!
I found myself rooting for the team or individual who was having the most fun in the moment. I sang the Canadian and American anthems whenever they were played.
Many of the participants played for the joy of it.
I watched for the joy of it.
At the top of the week I opened a bottle of champagne, and everytime a gold medal was won, I poured a sip.
When a silver medal was won, I had a piece of chocolate and for bronze I had cup of tea in my finest china.
Tonight, I had the last glass of champagne in honor of the Ice Hockey teams- both of which played exceedlingly well.

As you can well imagine, I milked the games for all the fun and joy I could personally experience.

Now that the games are over, I hope to carry out this ritual of celebrating myself and everyone just for the joy of it because it feels good and because the better it gets, the better it gets!

A toast: To the Joy of this moment!

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