A Birth Certificate shows that we were born into this physical world. A Death Certificate shows that we were once here in physical form and that we have returned fully to God/Source/Non-physical, where the larger part of us is always residing.
I Believe...
That whether or not you choose to embrace my beliefs, they are true for me and that is all that matters!
That whether or not you choose to embrace my beliefs, they are true for me and that is all that matters!
I Believe...
I cannot become poor enough to help poor people get rich and I cannot get sick enough to help sick people get well.-AbrahamHicks
We are each responsible for how we choose to feel and what thoughts we choose to have. Our physical manifestations are letting us know!
I cannot become poor enough to help poor people get rich and I cannot get sick enough to help sick people get well.-AbrahamHicks
We are each responsible for how we choose to feel and what thoughts we choose to have. Our physical manifestations are letting us know!
I Believe...
That every 'death' is a choice and all it really means is that we have returned to the fullness of who we are in nonphysical form. All the more reason for us to seek joy over anything else!
That every 'death' is a choice and all it really means is that we have returned to the fullness of who we are in nonphysical form. All the more reason for us to seek joy over anything else!
I Believe...
That my willingness to allow myself to experience joy and well being is the only credential that matters.
That my willingness to allow myself to experience joy and well being is the only credential that matters.
I Believe...
That my life is constantly evolving and I get to decide what I want to experience in every moment.
That my life is constantly evolving and I get to decide what I want to experience in every moment.
I Believe....
Two people can look at the exact thing and see something totally different, because we are each a unique being who came here for the joy of the diversity.
Two people can look at the exact thing and see something totally different, because we are each a unique being who came here for the joy of the diversity.
I Believe...
That I am a powerful creator and that I create every single experience in my life, I also know that no one else can have any influence in my life. It's all my doing.

That I am a powerful creator and that I create every single experience in my life, I also know that no one else can have any influence in my life. It's all my doing.
I Believe....
That my background and circumstances
may have influenced who I am.
Ultimately I am responsible for who I am becoming and everyone and everything else is off the hook!
That my background and circumstances
may have influenced who I am.
Ultimately I am responsible for who I am becoming and everyone and everything else is off the hook!
I Believe...
That any heart break or sorrow I feel is never about the other person and always about me and my connection to Source/God.
That any heart break or sorrow I feel is never about the other person and always about me and my connection to Source/God.
I Believe....
That when I truly love myself as God/ Source loves me, the subject of forgiveness becomes irrelevant.
That when I truly love myself as God/ Source loves me, the subject of forgiveness becomes irrelevant.
I Believe....
That maturity or a life is not how many years I've been here, but how much joy I've allowed myself to experience.
That maturity or a life is not how many years I've been here, but how much joy I've allowed myself to experience.
I Believe...
That anger is a blessed emotional signal that tells me I am in opposition to what I want.
That anger is a blessed emotional signal that tells me I am in opposition to what I want.
And that, I have a right to be angry and those who don't like it better stay out of my way.
I Believe...
That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time, as long as we are both focused on mining the joy.
I Believe...
That heroes are the people who listen to their own guidance system. This way they can never do anything that is detrimental to another. Ever.
That heroes are the people who listen to their own guidance system. This way they can never do anything that is detrimental to another. Ever.
I Believe...
That either you are a deliberate creator or not; you can decide for yourself OR you can let others decide for you.
That either you are a deliberate creator or not; you can decide for yourself OR you can let others decide for you.
I Believe....
That we are totally responsible for how we feel and what we think and that we can change our feelings by choosing a different thought.
I Believe....
That I should keep going for as long as I enjoy it and when I am no longer enjoying it, it is time to quit. Quitting something I no longer enjoy is the most spiritual thing I can ever do.
That I should keep going for as long as I enjoy it and when I am no longer enjoying it, it is time to quit. Quitting something I no longer enjoy is the most spiritual thing I can ever do.
That you should always know your worthiness and your deservedness because that is who you truly are..
I Believe...
That what others say and do is none of my business.
That what others say and do is none of my business.
I Believe...
That when a relationship no longer serves us, it is time for us to move on.
That when a relationship no longer serves us, it is time for us to move on.
That no matter how good a friend is, I am totally responsible for how I feel and I cannot ever hold them responsible for my feelings.
I Believe...
That all relationships are eternal, regardless of where we are physically.
That all relationships are eternal, regardless of where we are physically.
I Believe...
That you can do something that takes you out of your natural state of well being and that it's a wonderful signal for you to return to your state of wellbeing.
That you can do something that takes you out of your natural state of well being and that it's a wonderful signal for you to return to your state of wellbeing.
I Believe....
That I am exactly where I was meant to be and I am eager about my unfolding.
That I am exactly where I was meant to be and I am eager about my unfolding.
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