Monday, February 27, 2006


People and events which touched me lately.

Over the weekend I felt some dis ease in my upper back area, so I took myself to the chiropractor today. It was such a lovely meeting. The receptionist was incredibly friendly and informative and the chiropractor certainly knew his stuff. A few adjustments later, I am as good as gold. By weekend I know I’ll be better than gold!

I received recommendation for a sushi restaurant about three towns over and was told that the restaurants in our area were all mediocre. I was glad to be told this, as nothing equals the disappointment I feel when I have to find that out in person.

Lately I have been experimenting with chowders. I have access to a fresh fish market and so I have been making chowder with cod, halibut, tilapia and shrimp.
I favour cod best of all.

I also had a lovely surprise phone call from my friend Eunice who lives in California. She is as busy as always with completing her yoga training from Ana Forest at the moment. In between she takes weekend classes as well as she goes on retreat. It is always a joy to hear from her.

It was about 10 to 14 degrees today. The coldest day I have experienced so far.
The sun is very hot in a brilliant blue sky, and so it makes for a beautiful, crisp and warm day, if you are sitting next to a closed glass window, with the light coming in.

I was also delighted to learn that my young friend Marc was admitted into Sam Houston University. He has such an amazing life ahead of him.

I enjoyed the closing ceremonies of the Winter Games. I am looking forward to being a part of the games in 2010 in Canada.

Trinidad & Tobago is currently celebrating Carnival, today and tomorrow.
What a huge fete and endless bacchanal that must be.
To lighten things up I pulled out my autographed copy of Tanti at de Oval by Paul Keens-Douglas the dialect always brings a smile…

I gone yes. Till nex time.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Evidence of my alignment

What ever you look for you’ll find so today I looked for evidence of my alignment and found a few:
- Front door parking and first in line at the Post Office.
- Friendly clerk who took care of my transactions.
- The number 333 on a building.
- Winning an ebay bid for less than $1.00
- Email from someone I was just thinking of.
- Sold three A-H cds this week.
- Received two books in two days.
- Read the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho which reminds me so much of the teachings of Abraham- Hicks.
- Digital read out of the clock this afternoon 3:33.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Wicked weekend

It was a fabulous weekend.
I believe I perfected the art of doing nothing.

On Saturday we set out for Providence RI. On the way there I was hungry enough to eat my leather coat, and I thought, “Won’t it be nice to see a Panera ( bread and pastry store)
Bakery for breakfast?” No sooner than the thought left my mind, there it was and we had front door parking too!

We also had front door parking at the beadshop in Providence, except that it was far too expensive for me; the internet bead shopper, so we strolled along the streets of this college town, stopped in at Brown Bookstore and then over at a tea shop where I had the best masala chi ever. I’d go to Brown myself, just for this teashop. How can you not want to study in such a delicious environment?

Back home I sat in the first class chair (aka leather recliner) and promptly fell asleep.
Upon awakening I watched The Seventh Seal, an Ingmar Bergman film about the existence of God.

The Winter Games followed this where I learned that I adore snowboard cross.
If I were a “natural born skier” snowboard cross would be my sport. I can almost feel the freedom and exhilaration, which comes from being a rider. As an onlooker, I can feel the bliss…

I also discovered intrestingness at where the most arresting photos are housed. Now I know where to go to feel moments of pure bliss…

I spent today making out like a bandit on ebay with the purchase of beads and crystals for my jewelry hobby.

All in all, it has been a fabulous three days, and I expect it to continue because I deserve the best...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hypnotic trance

It is no surprise that we have done an excellent job of hypnotizing ourselves with all that is around us. I should know, I have been spending a great deal of time dehypnotizing myself of almost everything I have learned from those outside of me.

It is becoming easier because sometimes I find myself lying to others.
For example someone asked me the other day “Do you think you are perfect?” to which I replied “no” but my whole being knew I am! I am perfect; I know that to the core of my being.
I can feel my knowingness of my perfection.

The outer world is still deeply hypnotized or they would not think I was deluded when I maintain that I am God in physical form or that I am perfect.
Humans have been mislead into thinking we are not magnificent beings and that everyone else is.
Everyone being those who want to control us; parents, teachers, spouses, bosses, government, church – you get the picture.

Just watch how they are quick to put you down, should you ever disagree with them on any subject. They jump down your throat usually with
“Who died and made you God” or
“You think you are so perfect don’t you?”
“You are not a saint you know.”
Usually it is some kind of character assignation designed to make you feel small and insignificant and to “put you in your place.”

Once you have hypnotized yourself into not just believing but knowing that you are a magnificent being and that you are an extension of Source Energy, you will no longer be a puppet to them.

You will hear them and smile in your secret knowledge of who you are.

Here is a wonderful quote from a workshop by Abraham –Hicks if you want to start hypnotizing yourself into who you really are :

You would walk around and you would be saying, whether you say it out loud or you say it to yourself, "I am a wonderful Being.
There is nothing that I cannot achieve.
The world addresses itself to me always in positive ways.
Everything always works out magnificently for me.
I live a charmed life.
Things are supposed to and always do, go well for me.
Seas part for me.
I have the resources of the Universe at my disposal.
I live in an environment where I am inspired to a new thought.
And as soon as I give birth to it, things align in order to bring me the actualization or the manifestation of it.
I am an extension of Source Energy.
I am God in a physical body and I am good.
And because I am good, good things come to me.
And if I am sick it is temporary because it is natural that I be well.
And if I am not abundant of things that are important to me, it is temporary because it is natural that I be abundant.
And there is nothing that I am supposed to do, but all kinds of things that I want to do."
10/15/05 - Washington DC Abraham-Hicks
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications.
Visit the official Abraham site at:
Abraham-Hicks Publications P.O. Box 690070 San Antonio, TX 78269

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weekending at home

It is Sunday afternoon 4:21pm. I am currently in my upstairs sitting room watching the snow swirl to the ground. Everything is completely white. I can see the mailboxes and the red pole on the fire hydrant out front.
This is my first blizzard and it is something to see.
I actually like it quite a lot. Everything is so silent and peaceful. Won’t it be nice if this could last for a week at least?
It’s especially nice, to be sitting here reading “Interpreter of maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri with a pot of Yorkshire tea.
No doubt it is a welcome relief for this snowstorm to occur on a Sunday.
André is particularly excited because he wants to use his top of the line gas powered snow blower.

Last night I saw the movie “Together” and enjoyed it. The music was especially pleasing, as was the relationship amongst the main characters.

For my West Indian friends, I prepared freshly fried Tilapia fish today for lunch, which was scrumptious.

Current popular desert this week at my house:
Godiva dark chocolate ice cream bars dipped in Chambord Liqueur…

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Blissing in NYC

“When you talk about what you want and why you want it, it always brings you to your center. It always brings you to the vibration of your Core, and when you vibrate in harmony with that which is the Core of you, then you have the perspective of your Inner Being. As you start talking about why you want to be over there, you'll vibrate as if you are over there.
Then your vibration in your Now is that point of attraction, and over there comes here where you are and becomes your physical awareness.”
- Abraham-Hicks. All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Abraham-Hicks Publications, P. O. Box 690070, San Antonio, TX 78269. Visit the official Abraham site at:

The above quote is huge to me for a number of reasons. For one thing in the culture I was born into, we simply did not talk about what we wanted or why we wanted it. It was considered either boastful, or a total waste of time, or day- dreaming. Either way this type of imagining was ridiculed.

Today, when I ask others what they want and why, some think it’s too private to share, others are afraid to share it (I might steal it), and others have no idea why they want the thing that they want. They just want it because they think it would make them happy in the having of it.

Instead of talking about what they want and why they want it, they prefer to tell me all the reasons why their Now is so horrible and why it isn’t working, and who’s fault it is etc. etc.
I like talking about what I want and why I want it because it has brought me to where I am NOW.
I used to talk endlessly about a library full of books.
Guess what I have now? I talked endlessly about having a reading room, and a beading room and a room of my own. Guess what I have now? All three of those rooms and then some!
I talked endlessly about wanting like-minded people to rendezvous with and I have those for friends now.
I talked about wanting friends who are evolving like I am, and painlessly letting go of those who are not, and that is exactly what is happening.

Last week, I talked endlessly about my one-day trip to NYC. How I would find the best winter coat and eat the best ethnic food, and find the best of everything I wanted to find on that day.
Well I found the most perfect coat, I found the best Chinese food, Thai food and Sushi all in one day!
It was the most blissful day ever, with one great find after another. It was as if the Universe conspired together just for me. I imagined them saying, “Okay, she’s got one day here, so let’s make it the BEST experience for her.”
Thank you, Universe.
I am thrilled with where I am and eager for more.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


You know that word, ‘unputdownable’?
Well after it was coined someone decided to do it justice.
His name? Philip Pullman.
The justice? A yummy little trilogy entitled ‘His Dark Material.”
I read these books in three days.
I have been reading for years now, and nothing, and no one has come close to kind of incredible story telling. The adventures are on every single page.

Perhaps most incredulous of all, is that Philip Pullman considers himself an atheist.
Well, that’s similar to when someone said in reference to Abraham – Hicks, “Abraham we never hear you talking about God.”

Philip talks about Consciousness nonstop in his books, which he refers to as Dust.

I know I am not writing coherently here, that’s because I just finished the series and I really want everyone to go out and get a copy now. The Universe will still be here, but you the reader will be in a different place all together.

I love these books better than Potter, Narnia, and LOR trilogy. If the Matrix was a book, I’d like them better than the Matrix too.

One of my many favorite quotes:

“As she lay in the fork of the great branches, she felt a kind of bliss she had only felt once before; and that was not when she made her vows as a nun.

These books are rich, vibrant and full of everything you can ever imagine.

I’m going through withdrawal from Lyra Belacqua’s worlds.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I just moved to this new place from Yahoo. I began blogging last October. Surprisingly, I like it a lot. It has certinly sharpened my awareness of the universe more than ever.
I also find blogging to be really good for my soul. I enjoy thinking thoughts, and not surprisingly, I enjoy writing them as well, although the words do not adequately express my feelings...

I am not into spelling, and editing either. My thoughts are written just the way I think them.
Editing changes the essence of the thought and to me that is contrary to what I think blogging is all about.

I'll go over my previous posts and see if I think anything is worthy enough to be reposted here.

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