Friday, March 26, 2010

Evidence of how things work

I recently returned from cruising a few islands in the Caribbean which was an enlightening experience in many ways.

While the islands are geographically in close proximity to their neighbors, they have distinctly different vibrations.
I decided on the onset that I would go ashore, based on how I felt. This worked out extremely well for me.
On one island I did not set foot at all. While others I toured readily or just kept to a single beach.

I am enjoying beating my own drum and seeing how the Universe responds to that. It is not my intention to make the rest of islands beat to my drum, nor the people in my life, food, music or anything else.

I am boring like that; not trying to change the world or its contents, not for or against anything. Just flowing right along, picking and choosing who and what I want to play with in the moment.

So you can imagine, my absolute delight in meeting a couple from a vastly different culture and feeling as if we had known each other for billions of lifetimes!
We all came to this realization simultaneously and the cool thing about it? None of us even noticed it at the time. For the rest of the cruise we kept meeting each other in the most natural of all ways to us, but uncanny to the rest of the world - We would just think about the other and that person would show up. This was how we communicated on the ship. We did not have each other's room numbers, nor did we ever attempt to connect any other way except through pure thought.

When we did meet we always enjoyed the most exhilarating time together.

This is the Universe answering my request of helping me rendezvous with like minded people in the most fun, humorous and delicious ways!
See how that works?

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Cooperative Component

I adore how the Universe is a cooperative component for me.
I am so glad I took the time to train myself to feel my way.
I enjoy taking the time to line up the energy.
I want to continue to focus on living a good life.
A good life is one that feels harmonious in all aspects.
Harmonious thoughts followed by harmonious feelings results in a harmonious world.
Most of all I celebrate knowing that I must first feel good.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Contributing to happiness

The other day, I was asked to make a contribution to some charitable organization.
I declined, as the organization did not ring my bells in the least.

Abraham teaches that my own happiness is the most significant contribution I could ever make.
This means that if I am happy donating, then I should do that, as it will benefit me.
I will be creating a path to allow in more Well-being to flow.
It really doesn't matter what I use as my excuse to get happy. As long as I do, I am certain to experience more happiness, flow, ease and well-being.

In my case, donating did not feel good (happy), therefore that would not have contributed to my life in any way.
In fact, had I done it, I would have probably spend time resenting the act and myself which would translate into me pinching off my wellbeing.

Reaching for happiness is always my goal, because that is how everything else benefits from my contribution.
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Friday, March 05, 2010

I am highly appreciative of my willingness to come into this physical world and to have set up Abraham as my reminder.
How cool is that?
I came. I had guidance. It was guided out of me. I was determined to find it again. Abraham enters the picture and my life has never ever been the same again.
Abraham has taught me about who I really am.
I am pure, positive energy and I am good.
They have taught me about the laws of the Universe and how it works.
They have taught me everything I need to know about vibration.
Most importantly, they have taught me about my guidance system, and how I ought to BE.

I continue to listen to their messages which help me to understand on a daily basis who I am becoming and how I am to line up with that.

Life is good!

Monday, March 01, 2010

I am a hedonist.

I woke up with the realization that I am a hedonist.
I was quite delighted by this idea, as it is my natural state and my preferred state of being.
I like being free to do as I wish, when I wish and how I wish.
More often than not, I am inspired to great ideas in almost any area I set my thoughts upon.
The inspiration manifest as impulses to take action and I always follow along.
I spend a great deal of time talking about the things I enjoy, enjoyed or am about to enjoy.
This means that I don't participate in a lot of conversations!
I don't watch the news, so I can't contribute to those conversations.
I don't believe in religion, politics, global warming, security and a depressed economy either. So the only thing that is left for me to talk about is what brings me pleasure.
I do believe that I came for the joy of it and I really live that way now.
I pick and choose the things I want to do, the people I want to interact with, the foods I want to eat, the flowers I want to grow, the bread I want to bake, the places I want to vacation, the books I want to read, the movies I want to watch, the music I listen to and so on.
Every action is based upon how I feel. It is the only guidance I heed.
Feeling good is Everything to me.

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