Sunday, December 31, 2017


Rye, NH. 

It is currently the coldest winter I've ever experienced.
I am thankful for my wonderful, amazing life. 
I appreciate all my accomplishments. 
I appreciate me.
I appreciate everything I have and all the people I've encountered in my life.
This year I had the wonderful opportunity to examine all my relationships.
I love those I've decided to nurture and I'm enjoying the freedom in letting go of others.

In 2018
 ( in 45 mins)
 I wish to continue to pay attention to myself, to what I want to express and what I want. 
To continue to appreciate something or someone in every moment including myself.
To enjoy my string of moments.
To be less serious.
To explore more of what I genuinely enjoy.

Friday, November 17, 2017

A judging mind makes the world very small and dangerous

If you believe that anyone’s action is bad, how can you see the good in it? How can you see the good that comes out of it, maybe years later? If you see anyone as bad, how can you understand that we are allcreated equal? We’re all teachers by the way we live. A blind drunk can teach more about why not to drink than an abstinent man in all his piety. No one has more or less goodness. No one who ever lived is a better or a worse human being than you.
A mind that doesn’t question its judgments makes the world very small and dangerous. It must continue to fill the world with bad things and bad people, and in doing so it creates its own suffering. The worst thing that ever happened exists only in the past, which means that it doesn’t exist at all. Right now, it’s only a stressful thought in your mind.
Byron Katie

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Process for letting go of worry

"Once more, it is extremely important that Ruburt keep his mind on his goals, and not burden his conscious mind by trying to figure out circumstances and conditions that are best handled by the infinite intelligence that is within his own subconscious mind. 

The way and the means will be taken care of. 

They will indeed appear almost effortlessly - but he must let the burden of worry go."

The Way Toward Health- Jane Roberts

My personal process for letting go of worry or
How to face it and erase it:

  1. Type out what I am worrying about and why.
  2. Type out the outcome I want.
  3. Delete #1.
  4. Print out.
  5. Pin on cork board.

It’s not enough for me to tell myself stop worrying or don’t worry or I should not worry. We are all looking for validation and we must begin with validating self. By writing down the worries I am acknowledging my fears/anxieties. I am not discounting myself and the method helps me to feel better emotionally and increase my frequency.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Some recent bodily discomfort had me scurrying off to the chiropractor.  I was fascinated with the spinal x-rays and scans which showed many misalignments. Some imagery I’m presenting to myself. 
I am not surprised as i have been feeling out of sorts, scattered and not with it. 
I am just acknowledging this here because having done so means I am on my way to changing.

Once again my focus is to stand tall, square shoulders head held high, chin lifted.

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