Monday, December 31, 2012



Tonight we were talking about how much simpler our lives have become since we downsized our living space. Now I have more time to explore my local environment on the weekends and to create new desires and watch them become. Right now I am in the phase of contentment with where I am now and I feel truly happy in this state. 
Being human, let's see how long it lasts before I get bored.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Why follow my bliss?


It really means more than being happy and excited and passionate about each moment. There is a reason for feeling these high vibrational feelings and that would be to raise my frequency to match the things or state of being I want.

So each and every time I choose to be excited and eager and passionate about some action I am doing - whether it is a thought I am thinking or creating something - each time I choose to act with joy - I am raising my frequencies to match the things I truly desire. 
Like wise, when I think the limiting, fear based thoughts I am lowering my frequencies and moving away from the vicinity of what I truly want.

Now, I promise to spend 2013 putting this into practice on a full time, round the clock, 24/7 basis. I think it would be easier to do because I can now literally feel the changes in my body as my frequencies increase or decrease. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

The birth of Oneness

I'd like to think that today marks the birthing of the cycle of Oneness.
There is only ever wellbeing in the universe and nothing else.
I look forward to letting more of it in, more than ever.
Life is really, really good.

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Sunday, December 02, 2012

Soul music

For a while now, I have been enjoying the meditative music
of Tom Kenyon. His music resonates really well with me and the meditation instructions are clearly written and profoundly experienced.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Feeling Joyous!

You know what? I feel so much joy today! It is so wonderful to be alive and present in this time/space reality I am choosing to focus in. I love every minute of it. Truly. This realization occurred to me today as I was walking in the rain.
I felt so present and at one with the moment.  I can't really describe it with words, but I just want to acknowledge how happy I am to be here now.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cleaning house

Good time now to clean house, if you haven't done so already.
It is time to let go of every thought which no longer serves you.
The lighter your thoughts, the easier it is for you to experience the joyful, magnificent, being you are while you are still physical.
If you don't clean your house, you will have to wait until you return to non-physical to experience who you truly are. 
Why wait when you can do it now.
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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Astounding realization... it's all me!

I have noticed that anytime something in my external world shatters or disintegrates it jolts me into focusing in my inner world. 

This is a huge revelation to me this week.

Okay so here is what I want from now on:
I want to command my inner world without having to be jolted into it. 
Then again, would the experience be as focused? Because it is the contrast that is driving me to seek what is real and I am seeking and enjoying the process much more than if there was no contrast...
The Other thing I realised is that I set up those things to disintegrate so that I could remind myself of what is real. 
This is so astounding to me that I will stop here for now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Every day...

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Living in joy

In between my joyous life I invest a few minutes to post here.
Lately, I've been having tons of fun with creating jewelry, meeting new friends,
sewing tote bags for friends and of course cooking and reading. It is exhilarating to breathe in the crisp, cool air as I walk for an hour each morning,  What could be more joyful than feeling the warm sun and cool air?
I am currently reading It's too late now, the autobiography of a writer by A.A. Milne.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Heart Pillow

I  made this piece of cross stitch into a pillow.
I do enjoy surrounding myself with handmade things.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I cross stitched this piece a while back and only just got inspired to finish it as a pillow. Isn't it stunning?
I feel great joy and appreciation when I see it, as it reminds me of when I use to grow the most abundant hydrangeas in magnificent colours, much like these.
Life is good!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

My first tote bag!

I am so excited about this bag which I sewed this past week.
I love the fabric pattern, the button, the shape of the bag and the feel of it.
I enjoy the weightlessness and softness of carrying it most of all.
I mean, what's not to love about a bag I so obviously adore?

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Bucket List revision

My Bucket List has evolved from whatever it was I previously posted here.
It is not about having, being and doing a bunch of stuff. Being there done that.
Rather it is about living in the moment.
It’a about being aware that I am sitting on the rug with my back against the sofa, in the soft light of my reading lamp, with the MacBookPro on my thighs as I type my current thoughts to this popular overrated list (bucket list).
Who the hell cares anyway what the contents of the list looks like? What does it matter if it has one thing or a thousand things? The only thing that really matters is are you enjoying your moments?
That’s it period.
A notebook of mine fell to the floor the other day, as I was unpacking them and it fell open to a page where I had written “Will I be moving to California this year? (2010)

I smiled as I read that. It is now 2012 and I am here.
Everything is perfectly orchestrated by the Universe, no matter what it may look and feel like. 

I only ever want to say and mean: I enjoyed every moment of the ride.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

An excellent discourse on meditation

I had my pupils dilated today, so I'm listening to videos for a few hours.
I really like this one about the benefits of meditation. I am once again, inspired to practice
meditation on a daily basis.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Question your beliefs

I watched part one of Guide to Happiness  this afternoon and I'm looking forward to watching the other five parts.  Personally I'm always making a list of reasons as to why I have this or that belief. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Finding Relief

When Relief has gone missing, I usually have to stop everything and give my undivided attention to finding it again. Changing these gears is the most difficult part of this whole process: Stop whatever it is I'm doing. Be still. Ask myself what will feel better now?
And then do that. It really is that simple.
Some of my relief actions include but is not limited to:
Practicing the corpse yoga pose, drinking hot tea, breathing deeply, going for a long solitary walk, playing uplifting music, cross-stitching, phoning a loved one, journaling, creating something delicious in the kitchen, eating a good piece of chocolate, perusing my cross-stitch stash, writing lists of appreciation or just being.
It is good to feel good!

Monday, July 16, 2012

My ABC's...

It's how I've been investing my time since my last post here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My expectations

1.Listen to my own voice.
2. Honour my own feelings.
3. Respect my own self, first and foremost.
4. Give love and kindness to self.
5. Nurture self.
6. Compliment self.
7. Treat self with reverence.
8. Give up humility.
9. Know my own power.
10. Be present always.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Celebration is possible if each moment brings you something new.
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Friday, June 08, 2012


When my life gets too hectic, I refocus by spending time alone:
Nothing to do.
Doing nothing.
No conversations either; not email or spoken.
I find that cutting off all external chatter is the most effective tool for me to employ.
This is followed by practicing some deliberate deep breathing, taking a long solitary walk, meditating for fifteen minutes or just being in stillness.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Staying positive

is essential for joyful living. I define joyful as a feeling of utter wellbeing.
The attitude is an inside job to begin with and it is maintained throughout.
Ah yes, the maintenance! How is that actually performed?
Purely focusing on what IS Wanted.
-What Do I Want Now?-
There are advantages to every situation if you seek them out.
If you expect to find the good- you will.
It works a bit like a magnet:
Expect a solution, think of what is wanted and this or something better must show up.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blissful thoughts

A hot bath in an old fashioned claw footed tub.
Hiking in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
Smooth dark chocolate.
Aperol Spritz.
Reading poolside, alone.
Solitary Walks.
Knowing I am never alone.
Lavender plants.
Finding seashells on the seashore.
Living on the West Coast again.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Journey

I am always on my way to something more.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Commitment for the present.

I am committed to the following daily practices:
Exercise. Drink plenty of water. Practice Yoga postures.
Daily Meditation.
Read for 3 hours a day.
Anything Else After.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Universe is always answering...

The Universe is always answering our calls.
The only time we may not hear is when we are not paying attention or when we are not in the vicinity of the answers.
Could the U be any more supportive?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hand writing my way to clarity

Today I'm appreciating the luxury of writing, using a smooth gel pen in my favourite colour and good quality writing paper. These tools are really essential for connecting with my IB. When meditation is not possible, the singular, physical act of writing with a pen is the next best way for me to allow the strengthening of my connection with non-physical.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Metta meditation practice

I’ve resumed the practice of metta meditation which I first learned from Sharon Salzberg  many years ago.
It evokes such a powerful feeling of joy and wellbeing that it’s hard not to want to practice this on a daily basis.
Here is what works for me:
Get into a meditative position and state; sit comfortably and quiet your mind.
Follow your breath for a few minutes.
Focus on your heart area.
Recall an unconditional loving experience you’ve had or imagine one.
Then say these words while you experience the love of Source showering down upon you:
May I be happy.
May I be well.
May I be at peace.
Next, think of someone you love and say:
May you be happy.
May you be well.
May you be at peace.
Next, think of someone you feel neutral about and say:
May you be happy.
May you be well.
May you be at peace.
Next, someone you dislike:
May you be happy.
May you be well.
May you be at peace.
Next those present in your immediate environment.
In your town, city, state, country and finally the world.
Each time you radiate unconditional loving kindness in ever increasing circles until you have encompassed the entire universe. 
Rest in this place for a few moments before arising out of this meditation which should take no longer than fifteen minutes.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Feel Good movie of the week

The Women on the 6th floor is an adorable French movie which was very funny and charming.
I loved how everyone wanted what was best for themselves and they all found it in the end. 
I really loved this film because I didn’t have to suffer along with characters, or get mad or any of the negative emotions movies tend to induce.
I decline to participate in any kind of unpleasant drama -be it real or imaginary, so this was the perfect film choice for me.

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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

How can I make the best use of my time here?

This question came from me during my meditation this morning.
The answer came quickly on the heels of the question - Enjoy every single interaction, be it a thought or a manifestation. If it is unwanted, move on to the next. Do not spend anytime dwelling on things that are not wanted.
I found myself aborting the meditation process, eager to put this bit of insight into practice. It is now eight hours later and so far things are going swimmingly well.
Let’s see how I do with this bit of mind training tomorrow.
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ficus Tree

Now that I no longer own this tree, I wanted to remember how delightful it was to me.
I bought it as a wee plant in August of 2005 and grew it to this size - April 2012.
I changed out the pots twice, each time increasing the size.
This ficus required very little physical care from me.
I watered it twice a month and showered it with praise the rest of the time.
I use to sit across from it and appreciate the richness and abundance of leaves.
The tree was a living reminder that there is a never ending source of wellbeing available to all of us, at all times.
We have only to focus upon it and it will be there.
There is only a source of wellbeing - Abraham-Hicks

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do I feel now?

It is empowering to know that I am the creator of my own experience and all I really ever have to do is decide how I want to feel in any given moment. 
This feeling determines how I live and move and have my being in this world.
You see, the world in and of itself has is quite meaningless. I give it all the meaning it has for me based on how I feel.
It's good to pay attention to how I feel in every moment.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Spring cleaning

Guidance from Eileen Caddy
Make Room, Make
 Room for the Very Highest

Cast all the old aside to make room for the new. How can you
 expect to usher in the new if you insist on holding onto the old. Make room, make
 room, and have a good spring clean from time to time and see what there is you
 can cast forth of the old and never be tempted to hold on to anything which is not 
of the very highest. This needs to be done with thoughts and ideas as well as material possessions. 
Don't just throw out the rubbish, but also those things which clutter up the mind 
and stop it from expanding. Take time to go through your material possessions 
as well and sift and sort what you have and cast out anything which you do not use. 
It is right to have all that you need, but again let Me remind you not to hoard. It 
is far too easy to accumulate and then wonder why you feel burdened and bowed 
down and can't move forward and upward.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Alphabet Game


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Monday, January 23, 2012

Bridge to my Vortex

The time it takes for me to get into the vortex or to move into the reality I want depends upon my decision and action to get in or not.
I've decided. 
I'm now in.
The relationship I seek is to be at ONE with me and I believe in the reality of this 100%.
I believe the vortex exists and it is always being shown to me through the easiest path.
I believe in the financial stability of the world 100% because I've always received everything I want when I want it.
I believe in my personal economic stability 100% because again, I always have enough. 
I believe in the wellbeing of my body 100% and when I am not feeling 100% I know it is temporary
I believe that I know these truths in the core of my being.
And what I've come to know in the past 12 hours is that the bridge is simply choosing to believe that I am in the vortex and I am there!
If I need some evidence of it, I can look towards my feelings and check in with my current reality which is really a manifestation or reflection of how I am feeling.
If I am not pleased with it, all I have to do is change my feelings and the reflection will change.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


When I am not doing other things, I read books and blogs about books.
Here are two I've bookmarked:
Savige Reads by a chap in his late twenties...
My Porch where most of the books are of my liking and Thomas has lovely photos of piles of books which I can never really tire of looking at. Piles of my own books aren't as intriguing as those belonging to others.

I'm also enjoying the mysterious and exquisite paper sculptures found at various libraries in Scotland.

I source my books from PBS, amazon, my local public library and DailyLit where I am currently reading The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My assignment

When I was 5 years old, my mom told me that happiness was the key to life.
When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy”.
They told me I didn’t understand the assignment.
I told them they didn’t understand life.
– John Lennon

Monday, January 09, 2012


The encouragement of self. Not others. Self.

Self encouragement is a great tool for moving out of 'blah' moods. 
It is only when we honour ourselves in this way, can we truly feel better.
Feeling better is how we access the higher vibrations which in turn attracts more good feelings. It is a lovely vicious circle to get involved with.
I am doing extremely well. Nothing has gone wrong here. Wellbeing is the only thing that flows. All is well. The Universe has my back. I live an abundant life.
I am good. My wellbeing is assured. The more I relax, the more I am allowing it in. Life is really good and getting better...

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