Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer is here!

The positive aspects of this lovely warm weather includes basking outdoors, browsing the garden shops, transplanting the purchases, weeding the garden, moving around plants and anything else to keep me outdoors.
It is wonderful to be outdoors again! Living in a temperate climate makes me appreciative of the short but lovely summers we have here.
I tend to grow flowers rather than vegetables because I enjoy the sight of the flowers more.
Flowers are always cheerful and that's the best reason to grow them.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

It is all about me!

I cannot do anything about other people's unhappiness or grievances with me or others.
This is their own personal responsibility to tend to and has absolutely nothing to do with me or others.
What I can do is to continue to want better feelings, experiences and circumstances for them. I can continue to see them as being happy, healthy, frolicking beings loving and enjoying their individual lives.
The pay off for me thinking of others in this manner is a deeper more enriching personal life experience.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Creating objects of beauty

I am so appreciative of my talent and love for cross stitching!
It provides me with a wonderful avenue for quiet, meditative interludes.
I enjoy removing myself from the endless buzz of daily life.
I love the journey of the unfolding of a new pattern.
I enjoy the splendor of the colors.
There is nothing more satisfying or more beneficial to me, than doing something for the joy of it.

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