Sunday, November 08, 2015

New Hampshire

It's been about six weeks since we have relocated to NH.
I am really enjoying having my being in this new location.

I am most appreciative of clean, fresh air, beautiful vistas, lovely people and lots of space.

Blissful silence.

Looking forward to discovering  our next home now.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Monks and soulmates

The first story illustrates well how I had told A about a friend of mine who had done something I wasn't in agreement with. Three days later A asked me about the friend. I had completely forgotten the incident and was quite surprised and annoyed that he was even talking about this.

This website nails what a soulmate is.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

Hiking at Pt Tomales, Point Reyes.

This is a bit past the halfway point
 Hiking in sand is NOT fun.
 The weather changed from this
 to this
 Very pretty towards the late afternoon.

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Conversing for fun

(Another excerpt from my automatic daily writing):

In seeking out new ways to communicate effectively, what if we just sat down to talk without having a preconceived topic? Or a goal? Or a purpose? What if we just talked about whatever.

Without debating it. Without judging it. Without comparing it. Without quoting what other people had to say about it. What if we just amused ourselves with how we feel about it? A conversation out of curiosity for the fun of exploring with and in fascination.  I think we will finally allow our genuine self to be heard.

Saturday, June 06, 2015

What I would like in conversations

(This is an excerpt from my automatic writing today)
What I would like is a conversation about Self. Yourself or Myself it does not matter - What do I want? Where am I? What am I doing? What am I feeling? What is going on with me now? Am I happy now? If not why not? These are types of conversations I want to be engaged in. These are what I find really meaningful because they quite literally - on an energetic level - they pave the way for expansion or widening.  In speaking them aloud we are inviting a new level of awareness into our presence.  We are opening up and allowing ourselves more choices, more perspectives which amounts to more experiences which is the whole reason for being here; to experience.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Dhalia dalliance

This picture brought back the enormous joy I experienced when I once cultivated dahlias for my pleasure.

Here is a pretty comprehensive website for cultivating dahlias.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

11 beliefs that are currently serving me well.

1. Daily meditation.
2. Expecting the best to happen.
3. Doing my best.
4. Applauding the success of others.
5. Releasing things easily.
6. There is always another boat.
7. I am exactly where I need to be.
8. My wellbeing is assured.
9. The Universe is benevolent.
10. I am a blessed being.
11. I live a great life.

Monday, January 05, 2015

Welcome 2015!

This year is the best yet!
I eagerly anticipate a marvelous unfolding of all the things I have
in my vortex.
My only job is to raise my frequency to where they are at.
It's that easy!
Be the joy.
Become the Joy Being I was born to be.

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