Saturday, April 14, 2007

My Garden

I want a green, healthy, lawn, with healthy trees, shrubs, roses, vegetables and other plants.
I thrill to the sounds of the sprinklers coming on in the mornings, and as I look out the windows I can see the water droplets glistening on the bright green blades of grass.
I gleefully walk barefooted on this soft, luxurious, living carpet of coolness as I make my way around the garden pruning the roses and other plants. The heady fragrance of the roses rises to my nostrils mingled with the scent of Rosemary.
I am now sitting on the grass feeling deep appreciation for the wellbeing that surrounds me. Wellbeing abounds, and there is nothing I have to do except to allow it in.
I have faith that this is so. My garden is flourishing to its maximum potential this season and all seasons forward.

Friday, April 13, 2007

My imagination

I believe that when I use my imagination to daydream about things I want, or a being I want to be or something I want to do it will happen.
This is how I utilize the Law Of Attraction (shhhhh it’s a Secret).
All things are possible if ye believe.
I do believe in my dreams and I dream with belief, hence the reason for every single one of my manifestations.

Daydreaming, or Imagining, or Pretending, or Vring is so much fun!
I love creating in this state and watching how things manifest for me.

For example, this morning I imagined myself going to the stores and finding front door parking. Next I imagined getting in and finding all the items on my list, and having a fast, smooth checkout.
This is exactly what happened with one seeming hiccup- I forgot one thing on my list. When I got home I found that I already had the item and did not need to buy it!

I did the same thing to manifest flying First Class to Paris a few years ago.
As Abraham says, “It is as easy to manifest a button as it is to manifest a castle.”

You ought to see my house in Northern Ca!

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