Monday, February 25, 2013

Two Point


I became interested in healing energy and found this workshop on you tube.
It is extremely comprehensive and I was able to learn it in one afternoon.
I've been practicing on myself, my spouse and my stuffed toy.
I find this process to be even easier than EFT.
I am a big fan of energy healing modalities and I was extremely happy to find this one.
This workshop is by the amazing Catrin Jacksties.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Be ing.

Last night a planned power outage was in effect and I had the most fascinating experience. It was easy to meditate and do focused work. 
The candlelight afforded a gentle and inviting softness to the room.
The peace within the silence was magical.
I enjoyed the art of being.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hiking in Pt. Reyes

Hiking in Pt. Reyes. Before we began, I  nonchalantly invited a few of my non-physical friends to show up. One of them in particular enjoy being outdoors in cooler weather, so I was thrilled he came along for the views.
I will continue to invite them on my hikes from now on. 

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Being me


To be myself in this world that demands I be someone else is the path I have chosen for myself.
Is it hard? Yes.
Is it lonely? Yes.
Is it happy? Yes
Is it who I am? Yes!
Could I have made a different choice? No.
This is who I am and it pleases me immensely to meet this person.

Sunday, February 03, 2013


I have given myself permission to watch one movie per day for the
month of February.  There are so many entertaining films to be enjoyed and now seems to be as good a time as any to begin enjoying them.
Truly, my pursuit of happiness in film starts now.
I hope to watch 29 films this month.

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