Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Hypnotic trance

It is no surprise that we have done an excellent job of hypnotizing ourselves with all that is around us. I should know, I have been spending a great deal of time dehypnotizing myself of almost everything I have learned from those outside of me.

It is becoming easier because sometimes I find myself lying to others.
For example someone asked me the other day “Do you think you are perfect?” to which I replied “no” but my whole being knew I am! I am perfect; I know that to the core of my being.
I can feel my knowingness of my perfection.

The outer world is still deeply hypnotized or they would not think I was deluded when I maintain that I am God in physical form or that I am perfect.
Humans have been mislead into thinking we are not magnificent beings and that everyone else is.
Everyone being those who want to control us; parents, teachers, spouses, bosses, government, church – you get the picture.

Just watch how they are quick to put you down, should you ever disagree with them on any subject. They jump down your throat usually with
“Who died and made you God” or
“You think you are so perfect don’t you?”
“You are not a saint you know.”
Usually it is some kind of character assignation designed to make you feel small and insignificant and to “put you in your place.”

Once you have hypnotized yourself into not just believing but knowing that you are a magnificent being and that you are an extension of Source Energy, you will no longer be a puppet to them.

You will hear them and smile in your secret knowledge of who you are.

Here is a wonderful quote from a workshop by Abraham –Hicks if you want to start hypnotizing yourself into who you really are :

You would walk around and you would be saying, whether you say it out loud or you say it to yourself, "I am a wonderful Being.
There is nothing that I cannot achieve.
The world addresses itself to me always in positive ways.
Everything always works out magnificently for me.
I live a charmed life.
Things are supposed to and always do, go well for me.
Seas part for me.
I have the resources of the Universe at my disposal.
I live in an environment where I am inspired to a new thought.
And as soon as I give birth to it, things align in order to bring me the actualization or the manifestation of it.
I am an extension of Source Energy.
I am God in a physical body and I am good.
And because I am good, good things come to me.
And if I am sick it is temporary because it is natural that I be well.
And if I am not abundant of things that are important to me, it is temporary because it is natural that I be abundant.
And there is nothing that I am supposed to do, but all kinds of things that I want to do."
10/15/05 - Washington DC Abraham-Hicks
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications.
Visit the official Abraham site at: www.abraham-hicks.com/
Abraham-Hicks Publications P.O. Box 690070 San Antonio, TX 78269

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