Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I love the life I have!

I understand completely that I am the creator of it and I especially like the fact that if I am not pleased with any aspect of it I can change that too!

When things are going well I acknowledge it is all my doing and when they are not it is also all my doing. Either way I take full responsibility for all of it.

What I have noticed is that when I take responsibility for all of it, I don’t spend anytime in blame, anger and resentment of others. And as a result, I can quickly create the life that I do want. Everyone gets off track at one point or another but the trick is to get back on as quickly as possible.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What's good in your life?

Thank you for asking!

I love this question! It encourages me to zero in on all the things that are going well for me. I spent a wonderful weekend! We had a most leisurely, blessed Thanksgiving Weekend. It was extremely casual and relaxing. We planned nothing that required effort or appointments. We watched my most favourite TV series- Season 1 of Glee, How to Train Your Dragon and Flipped. We played dominoes and Can’t Stop as well as with our regular electronic toys and gizmos. I also got a 4th generation Ipod, replacing the 3rd generation I’ve had for a year now.

I am abundantly blessed and expect things to continue to go extremely well for me.

I look forward to more great relationships, to my upcoming week in Orlando especially the much-anticipated Harry Potter theme park.

I am on a different plane since I’ve been listening to my Guided Meditation cd. The experience is unique to every individual and so I won’t go into the details of what doors have opened up for me.

I bought a couple of mp3 songs which I’ve played a gazillion times and counting.

They put me right into the Vortex!

So, what’s good in your life?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My trail.

I am wise enough to follow the trail of good feeling thoughts and actions today.

Monday, November 22, 2010

An effortless day.

The things that made today special are:

I woke up in the vortex, which is always what I most want.

I received a hefty check from some jewelry someone bought.

I loved receiving the check because it included a tip and a note about the quality of my work. It also indicated that when you do what you love from inspired action, money would flow easily and effortlessly.

I was delighted to hear my father speak of how much he enjoys having his son spend some quality time with him. I was thrilled for both of them.

I was able to buy the first season of Glee for a fraction of the cost. Glee has become my

‘At home Broadway Musical Fix’.

I had some contrast that clarified what I really want and that is always a good thing as nothing ever goes wrong.

I received yet another book from PBS!

Apple TV now has Air Play as of today!

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Friday, November 19, 2010

My new meditations.

I am so thrilled with the new meditation cd from my favourite teachers that I can hardly contain myself never mind my words.

I received the cd on the 15th of November and began by reading the book and listening to the meditations immediately.

It is by far the best meditations I have ever experienced.


What makes it so special? Every single time I listen to one of the fifteen-minute segments I can feel my body literally releasing resistance as things pop, space is made and body feels boneless. Weird right? But oh it feels so very good!!!

The other thing is how smoothly the rest of my life is flowing without me having to lift a finger.

I have been practicing this stuff for thirteen years, so I am not saying that the meditations are what’s causing this avalanche of good feelings and good manifestations.

What I am saying is that the meditations have accelerated the rate at which I am manifesting a quality life.

The bad news is that I want to tell everyone I know, even if they are not interested!

Screwy right?

But that’s how enthused I am about this tool.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I intend

"It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good today. No matter where I'm going, no matter what I'm doing, no matter who I'm doing it with, it is my dominant intent to look for what I'm wanting to see, to look for things that feel good." –Abraham-Hicks.

This is one of my favourite quotes from Abraham. I have about a thousand, but this is in the top five. Impressive right?

I intend to look for and listen to uplifting music today.

I intend to spend some time outdoors.

I intend to teach the girls to cook Italian food.

I intend to continue reading my current book.

I intend to receive uplifting news today.

I intend to have only uplifting conversations.

I intend to continue with my daily meditations.

I intend to resume my workout and yoga practice.

I intend to compile a list of books for PBS.

I intend to tend to my wellbeing.

I intend to appreciate, appreciate, and appreciate

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Father.

The other day I was uploading some photographs of my father’s 77th birthday reunion to a digital picture frame and I was struck by the naked joyousness of the faces of his friends. In every photograph, people were smiling, laughing, motioning, eating, drinking and talking. Their joyfulness eked out and flowed into me until I was quite mad with a desire to host another one of those reunions.

I immediately called my sister and communicated my wild idea to her.

I even sent her the photos, so she could see and perhaps experience the joy herself. I was really quite intoxicated with joy as the poet Hafiz might say.

The next day, I argued the plan and concluded it was not feasible.

I asked myself a lot of questions and came up with the simple answer:

I wanted my father to see his friends and spend time with them again.

However, I did not wish to have to endure the process of getting to that point. I did not want to have to rely on my friends and total strangers for assistance.

I called my sister and told her the plans were cancelled. As expected, she was disappointed. I understood her disappointment because I felt the same way, but I was not going down that path again. There had to be another way.

Last Friday, my father rang to say he was on the big island for a few weeks.

I encouraged him to call his friends and make appointments to visit them for the duration of his stay there. He was quite taken with the idea of leisurely seeing each one in their home. After we hung up the phone, I felt uplifted and happy. I am so pleased I discovered a better solution that is completely win/win.

I got what I wanted which was for my father to see and be with his friends for a day. Even if he does not visit all of them, the thought of him spending time with just one, makes me very happy indeed.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Power of Appreciation

I enjoyed a super blissful weekend in the company of very good friends.

On one occasion we were discussing the power of appreciation in the workplace and how it transforms the energy there. One chap mentioned how they were singled out for some long overdue appreciation for work they had done some months ago and he said it was amazing to see how everyone's posture straightened as they were being mentioned. They were cheerful for days.

A young lady of 14 said that she loved when others gifted her with books. I thought she was talking about the books themselves but no, what she meant was others took the time to learn about her interests. Imagine that! She was appreciative of their taking an interest in her interests!

The entire conversation was very satisfying because we were all talking about, feeling, reliving and expressing appreciation for more than an hour.

Afterwards, I looked at the lives we each live and realized the main reason we are all so abundant is because of the heightened levels of appreciation we consciously embrace on a daily basis.

This prompted me to goggle the word appreciation and almost all the stuff I came across is derived from the teachings of Abraham-Hicks in one form or another, although this is never mentioned. If Abraham spooks you, just stick with the people who copied them. It is not about the messenger.

I am where I am today because of the power of appreciation which I made into a religion because of the Abraham material.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Goals 74-100.

74. Do one thing at a time and be present with it. I produce quality work when I utilize this method and a profound sense of wellbeing. I suspect being present is the key, as it engages all my senses.

75. Call friends who do not have email. I call one of them and snail mail the other. I really enjoy hand writing a letter. The process is quite relaxing and enjoyable to me. I look forward to handwriting letters and cards.

76. Mail a care package to a student. This is a little project I’ve come to enjoy. I don’t eat as much candy and snacks as I use to and this project lets me enjoy the process as far as shopping, packing and shipping goes. The rest of my pleasure comes from imagining how delighted the recipients would feel.

77. Make new friends. This year I made three new friends. I have broadened my foodie appreciation and so have they in the process.

78. Ask for help. Now that I have a good understanding of how the Universe is there for my assistance, I have been asking for help a lot more than before and I do get it!

79. Say no more often. I make every decision based upon how I feel and this means that I have been saying a whole lot of ‘nos’ to a whole lot of things I previously did for the sake of obligation.

80. Take photos of street signs with my friends name and mail it to them. There was a period of time when I would notice street signs with the names of my friends. I never got around to this project and I’ve somehow stopped seeing the signs. Isn’t that interesting?

81. See all the “gems” in New England as listed in the AAA guidebook. I am sure I have seen at least 95% of them. We’ve been everywhere in New England by now.

82. Add to my Creation Box. So this game is truly magical. Whatever I add to this box, usually manifest for me. Sometimes it is something better, but always, I get what I ask for.

83. Join the Grafton Library. Their selection of books is not as impressive as I would have liked, so I am sticking with Amazon, Paperback Swap and the Digital Library for now.

84. Take train into Boston and spend a tourist day there. We don’t have regular trains from where we live. However I have gone into Boston and spent many fun filled days there. It is a very beautiful city.

85. Fill out all questionnaires at Authentichappiness.org After I filled out this. I never returned to the site! I’m still wondering what the point of my exercise was.

86. Learn sign language. I forgot I had this in here; as a result I didn’t do it.

87. Jump on a trampoline. As soon as I find one…

88. Help someone realize one of their ‘to do’ list things. I invited a friend to come and visit – she always wanted to see NE in the fall.

89. Remember to ask ‘what’s good about this’ during a contrasting experience. This is a powerful exercise because it liberates my thoughts and feelings.

90. Eat only foods I enjoy. This has been a huge success!

91. Explore unfamiliar subject areas in the library or bookstore.

I enjoyed doing this on Wiki Random and from RSS feeds I subscribe to.

92. Visit Mesa Verde NP. Rain check.

93. To print this list and check off things because it feels good! I thought commenting on each one would help me to clarify my level of interest for each one.

94. Add to my beach sand collection. This is a fun project! I collect beach sand and display them in little bottles around my bathtub. Pink sand from Bermuda is particularly beautiful.

95. Notice the gift each day brings. Each day brings me at least a hundred things to appreciate and I do love and enjoy the process.

96 – 100. Cross-stitch projects I have not yet completed.

There you have it. My fun year of doing more of what I love and enjoy and giving up the things which no longer interest me. I’d say I am more focused on feeling good than ever before.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Goals 55-73.

55. Spend an entire summer’s day in my hammock in the garden. I attempted this many times only to end up doing a chore in the garden.

56. Become a companion with my IB. I am very familiar with this concept now.

57. Take weekends off from cooking. Done! Especially when we go on day trips in the summer and fall.

58. Sleep more. I realized this is based on the desires of my body, so I go with what my body does. Sometimes it sleeps past 11 am and sometimes it awakens at the crack of dawn.

59. Go to bed being appreciative. This process guarantees blissful, restful sleep and refreshing renewal.

60. Tapestry Bloom pillow. Stunning to say the least. I admire it each night before going to sleep.

61. More day trips to NYC, when street festivals are on. Perhaps next year…

62.Orlando in the spring. The year isn’t over and I do have plans to see the HP theme park.

63. Visit top 5 chocolate makers in New England (as listed by Yankee magazine). Rain check.

64. See the Pinchot Sycamore; largest tree in New England. Rain check

65. Breakfast at the Modern Diner listed as the best diner in New England. We never awake and alert enough at breakfast time…

66. Attend a summer concert in Tanglewood. Rain check.

67. Take naps. I do have the luxury of taking these, but I always feel I have more important things to do, such as reading a book instead of shutting my eyes.

68. Surprise someone. I did this several times this year and I do it for the pleasure I receive more than anything else.

69. Walk barefoot in the garden for a day. Oh! What fun this is!

70. Mandala coloring book. I printed some form a free mandala website and filled them in while listening to lovely music, or just sitting quietly. It is a very relaxing focused form of meditation.

71. Learn a new beading technique. Taught myself quite a few of these.

72. Read Wiki randomly on a daily basis. This lead to a lot of other interesting websites so much so that weeks would go by without Wiki reading.

73. Donate all the winter clothes I did not wear this year. I did this for the summer clothes and I suspect there will be plenty at the end of winter too.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Goals 44-54

44. Add to my collection of fine bone china plates for my dinning room walls. I actually cross-stitched a trio of teacups instead.

45. Take myself LESS seriously. This took a while to take effect, but when I got the hang of it, my life became easier than ever.

46. Continue making daily contributions to the wellbeing of self and others (Wellbeing Journal). This journal is an important part of my life. I have come to rely on it for my self- preservation.

47. Practice deep breathing. Ah this is so relaxing and invigorating!

48. Watch all the TED talks. TED is the most brilliant television. I watch it to maintain my brilliance!

49. Sow Morning Glory around the deck. Alas, I didn’t do this year, as I introduced the chocolate vine instead.

50. Complete all unfinished cross-stitch projects. I am so ambitious aren’t I? I completed four this year and left some for next year and other lifetimes.

51. Giving my undivided attention to what is before me. This is easy when practiced mindfully as it causes whatever I am focused upon to turn out splendidly.

52. Simplify. This is fun to do. Too fun, as I have practically given away stuff I actually use on a daily basis.

53. Eat Chinese food besides the fireplace. Done!

54. Float down the Merced River in Yosemite. Perhaps next year…

Monday, November 08, 2010

Goals 35-43

35. Treat myself to formal teatime more often. This actually a symbolic ritual I created for myself in order to deliberately live in the moment. I live and work at home so setting out tea for one in a fine boned china tea set is a wonderful interlude I have come to look forward to.

36. Play the What If game more often. This is the best process I know for overcoming resistance to new uncharted waters.

37. Make daily lists of appreciation. This is my secret to not working hard, struggling and sacrificing for the life that I enjoy.

38. Be more selective in my thoughts. I can manifest anything I think about in a short time, so I had to be up to speed with this one in order to live the life I now live. I can never afford to by a sloppy thinker, as the price is too high.

39. Focus on only good news. This ties in with the above goals; when I focus on good news, I create good news.

40. Picnic at Walden Pond in the summer. I love and adore Walden Pond!

I go there with my friends and for solitary walks. Either way, it’s a wonderful place to connect with spirit.

41. Spend a day on Block Island. Alas I didn’t do it this summer because see no. 42.

42. Weekend in Bar Harbor. I spent a week in Bar Harbor hiking and eating Maine lobsters fresh from the lobster pound. This is my pilgrimage every summer that I continue to live in New England.

43. Meditate on Flicker more often. This website has some of the most breathtakingly beautiful photographs I have ever seen in one place. Regrettably, I am not spending enough time enjoying them.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Revisiting my annual list of goals. (28-34)

28. Practice food appreciation before eating. I gave myself this goal in order to deliberately focus and think about only the food that is before me. Fortunately, I am not in the habit of eating and watching TV or reading.

29. Give up more often. Wow! I’m good at this one! Now that I have mastered this, you won’t believe how easily problems and issues resolve themselves.

30. Complete the scrapbook I am currently working on. I did finish this project rather cheerfully as it is the last one I will ever do. Scrapbooking is not my hobby.

31. Broadway theatre. I attended quite a few this year and I am very pleased about that. I love the theatre and the delicious energy that swirls in live theatre.

32. Paint laundry room. I did it!

33. Freecycle electronics. The best source for giving way stuff to those who really want it.

34. Learn to knit. I bought this kit but have not yet been inspired to take action. I don’t think I ever will, so I will add it to the freecycle list.

Monday, November 01, 2010

I vote for:

ü Vibrational alignment.

ü More love and laughter.

ü Stimulating conversations.

ü Joyous interactions.

ü Uplifting news.

ü Love of all mankind.

ü Allowing others.

ü Making peace by ceasing the struggle.

ü Wellness.

ü Focusing on what I want.

ü Feeling as good as I can feel.

ü Brilliant ideas.

ü Inspiration.

ü Happiness

ü Abundance of everything that enhances my being.

ü Delightful surprises.

ü Enjoyment in all my activities.

ü Kindness to myself.

ü Appreciation.

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